Friday, September 26, 2014


7 Months

{September 19th}

Little brother still loves Braxton the best!
Braxton has started to engage a lot more lately and play with Everett and he just eats it right up.

He loves to be sung to and will usually bust out huge smiles and some of his best belly laughs when you sing to him.
Favorite songs right now are: Itsy Bitsy Spider, Patty Cake, Little Bunny Foo Foo, 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

He sleeps on his side or tummy.
When you put him down, he'll wiggle and grunt a little and always roll over to his side.

He's making a lot more definite sounds when he 'talks' 
and can officially say "mama" and "dada"

He's starting to become mobile!
I am not ready for this stage yet.... it's come up too fast!
One day he hated tummy time and wouldn't even put his weight on his arms and the next day he pushes up so far and can scoot backwards on his tummy.
He can get his knees up under him and will rock on all fours, but hasn't crawled yet.

Loves bath time and hates it when we take him out...
Like, screams when we get him out and get him dressed.

His little hands are so active and if I'm holding him he goes crazy grabbing fistfuls of my hair or pinching my face.

I've started putting him in the shopping cart to sit like a big boy and he loves it.
Especially at Costco where brother sits right next to him.

Have I mentioned he Loves Braxton the best?!
If Nug is near, all attention is on him.
Braxton can usually get the best laughs out of him too.
I just love seeing them become little buddies.

His hair is starting to fill in and lighten up a little.
His eyes have started to turn more brown.
Oh, I love his big dark eyes!

He is still such a snuggler.
When he's eating and gets tired, he'll push the bottle away and just turn his head into our chest to let us know he's ready to snuggle and go to sleep.

He's fitting in 6-12 month clothes really well.
I think he'll even start outgrowing them in the next month or two.

He is still not sleeping through the night regularly.
We're back to only half of the time, at best.
But he's been a great napper!
Usually takes a good nap in the morning, a really good long one after lunch when Braxton goes down, and then sometimes we can even get a small cat nap in late afternoon before dinner.
If he doesn't have the little nap before dinner... he is done and asleep by 7pm at the latest.

Braxton's 3rd Birthday

{August 28th}

We just had some friends over to grill out for Braxton's birthday.
(We had a special birthday breakfast, went to Chick Fil A for dinner, and opened family presents on his real birthday)

We have the greatest friends and they spoiled him with the greatest gifts.
Some also have a little bouncy house they let us borrow and the boys went crazy in it
(big boys and little boys)

I think its safe to say little man loves the birthday attention!
He loved being sung to and opening presents.

So thankful for our great friends that came out to celebrate Braxton!

His specific birthday request... chocolate cupcakes with yellow sprinkles.