Thursday, February 14, 2013

17-18 Months

{January 28th}
How do I have a 17th  18 month old already!?
As its been with all our updates, Braxton keeps getting more and fun.
He is seriously one of the most hilarious kids we know.
He is super expressive and always making the funniest faces.

Our favorite is still his cheeser face.
He is seriously such a happy boy and smiles all the time.
Melts my heart!

Things he's said include:  mama, daddy, nana, kitty, puppy, papa, mimi, Izze, more, bye bye, night night, ball, star, purple, please, and baby.
He still signs 'more', 'please', 'eat', and 'all done'
He seems to be making a lot more sounds and babbles a ton in general.
His teachers said that's usually the sign that he'll start saying a lot more words soon.

He is great at following directions.
Still loves to throw his trash away and will hand you his plate when he's all done eating.
He will also pick up and bring you anything you ask.
Also still loves dancing. 
Will almost always break out dancing when music with a beat comes on.

Every once in a while he will still hit or bite but I'm hoping we are past that stage.
For awhile it seemed like he was majorly testing and we were saying NO a lot.
We're working on just redirecting his behavior and not acknowledging the bad behavior.

He's had 2 ear infections in the last month.
He had one over Christmas and then it seemed like the congestion/runny nose cleared up while we were on vacation.
Not two days back at daycare and the snotty nose was back.
Brian had some virus or flu recently and luckily Braxton and I just got the cold/virus part,
but that also means another ear infection for Nug.
One of his ear tubes fell out awhile ago and the other one is just barely in there.
It seems like his ear without the tube is the only one getting infected so we might check out getting them replaced if the infections stick around.
I hate constantly having him on various antibiotics.

He isn't the best eater.
Usually eats a great breakfast and lunch but dinner is always hit and miss.
Sometimes its decent and sometimes its 2 bites.
Luckily he's gotten to be a much better drinker the last several weeks.

Has just recently gotten better about going to bed.
It seemed like we were going to have to let him cry, again, but luckily he's snapped out of it.
I try to still rock him but he gets restless and distracted
so we've had to just put him down awake in his crib.
He loves to have his back and face rubbed and will usually stay calm there as
long as we're still in the room.
(I think he falls asleep well this way b/c of naps at daycare)
He will put himself asleep on his own but we were having to stay in his room the whole time.
Lately we've been able to just say good night and leave.
He'll cry/whine for a few seconds and then calm down and lay there until he falls asleep.
He's also been better about 'sleeping in'...
he'll usually sleep until 6:30 or 7 now.

He is so fun to play with and is getting so smart!
He can point out several shapes when you ask him.
He has started figuring out puzzles.
Loves to be read to.
Loves to drag his lego bag over to you and then dig in it, pulling out every piece.
Loves to play with his cars and anything Little People.
Loves wagon rides.
Loves to run errands and ride in shopping carts...usually throws a fit when its time to get out.

He also loves to help!
We painted our bedroom last weekend and we painted the whole thing
without Braxton ever touching the paint or touching the walls!
He was seriously so great!
He was happy as a clam as long as he got to be on his stool like daddy
and hold his tools and paintbrush.
He sat in the room playing and entertaining himself with his toy wrench and tool box the whole time.

He is also still so affectionate.
He gives the sweetest kisses whenever requested.
And of course hugs everyone.
Saying goodbye at school usually involves a kiss, high five, knuckles, and then blowing a kiss
Followed by the sweest 'bye bye' and wave.

Loves my parents puppies!
They are so sweet and patient and let him crawl and hug all over them!
He tries to love on the kitties the same way but he's gotten too big.
He'll tackle them down but squishes them...
Then tries to grab their tails and paws.
Clearly neither kitty is a big fan of him.

LOVES Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!!
This is a double-edged sword....
He has never really watched any tv or movies until about a month or two ago.
We would try to get him interested in something just to get a few free minutes to get something done,
but nothing would get his attention for more than a minute or two.
Something must have clicked recently b/c he'll easily watch an entire episode and then beg for more.
He will run and point to the TV then run and sit in his chair to indicate he wants to watch a show.
He gets so excited when we turn it in and starts dancing to the opening song.
He also knows the 'hot dog dance' at the end and always dances along.
Then waves bye bye to Mickey when its over.

He can also recognize Mickey on things when we're at the store and will immediately
start doing the 'hot dog dance'.
He'll also start doing it just when he hears the word Mickey or any phrase from the song, really.
It is so hard to say no when he busts out those cute moves!


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Phone Update

Playing with Aunt Cat Cat

Starting em' early!
Braxton loves to sweep!
If he catches you with the broom... you're done and he takes over.

Being such a good helper when we were painting!
He was so pumped to just stand on the ladder when daddy was on his.
He played the entire night with his little tool set.
Then, he was so excited when we finally let him paint and put his hands on the wall.

Silly faces on the way to church

I am ONE!

Ikea run with mama

Sweet boy in the stroller!
He finally loved his mittens and then promptly passed out while I ran at the park.

Too sexy for his shirt
Helping dad at Lowe's
Water painting and baking with mama...
Sunday Funday!

Then things started to break down after eating cookies.

Watching Mikey with mama
I love this sweet boy!!

Running errands with daddy

One year apart...
I can't believe how much he's changed!
Still the cutest boy ever!