Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Parker Days 2015

{June 14th}

This was our 2nd year to hit up Parker Days and I love that it's becoming a little tradition.
We got Braxton all hyped up and after a little meltdown over his corn dog for some reason, he loved every second of it.

Everett just took most of it in.
He liked to bounce around in some of the jumpies but he didn't seem to mind at all when he had to wait with dad while brother rode the big rides.
We also discovered that he LOVES corn on the cob, ha.

such a good little climber!


Braxton really wanted to ride the big rides, and although he was nervous, he still really liked them and had fun!

Everett thought he was pretty cool to ride the train with brother.

This little cheeser kills me!
He has such a fun little personality right now!

 "everyone look at mama!"

Everyone was over pictures and it was clearly time to head home.
We checked out one last monster truck and then this was 2 minutes later on our walk back to the car.

Camping at the Sand Dunes

{May 29th - 31st}

We camped out at Sand Dunes National Park at the end of May and had the best time!
We've been trying to go for the last 3 years but the timing has never worked until this year.
There were about 8 couples/families that we went with and we sure love hanging out with them and all their kids.

We drove down early Friday morning and after we got camp all set up, we met up with everyone for the rest of the afternoon.  

These boys love digging in the sand.

The sand dunes were so beautiful!
It is just so crazy to think they sit right in the middle of Colorado next to the mountains.
We spent the whole time just parked down by the river that flows through and never actually made it over to/up the actual dunes.
It just didn't work out with having two small kiddos but maybe next year we'll hike up.

It was a little chaotic around the campsite with Everett this year.
He is 100% on the move all the time, but he can't really listen to directions yet.
So, one person had to be completely occupied watching him the whole time.
(Thus the lack of campsite pics)

I did get this ONE cute one of my favorite one year old.

Day 2:  we set up on the other side of the river and parked it here the whole day.

The river height was so perfect at this time in the season for little ones to play in.
It wasn't even that cold either.
(it was fairly windy both days... making it cold to be in the water, though)

Brian tied knots in a climbing rope and these two little buddies spent a good 45 minutes climbing up over and over

Not the best family pic but the only one we got!

Dave, Rachel & Ozzie

Jared, Amanda & Tahoe

Derek & Carrie

Our second night at camp, Rachel got some awesome pictures while we were hanging out!
Braxton became best buds with their puppy, Ozzie, and would hardly leave his side!

I can't even handle this one!


Hanging out with Carly and Leah


I die over these ones with Everett, Braxton and Ozzie too!
He sure is the sweetest puppy and makes it so hard not to run out and get the boys their own puppy.

This deer (and a whole herd) hung out right at our camp

Another attempt at family pics... thanks for taking these, Rach!