Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

We pulled the baby card for both Thanksgiving and Christmas this year and got out of traveling.  My parents and two little brothers were in town to celebrate with us this year. 

Braxton got lots of Mimi and Papa Jim time.

Meeting Uncle Kyle for the first time!
In true fashion, he came straight off a plane from Vegas...didn't even sleep the night before. 

Check out this cheeser!

We attempted a Christmas card picture but the ones with all of us all came out awkward or had bad lighting.
But, the ones of the nugget came out adorable.
I'm so thankful for my sweet little family.

Monday, November 28, 2011

3 Months

Happy 3 months to my baby boy!!

At 3 Months:
Braxton loves the swing and hates the bouncy chair.
I'm lucky if I can get him to tolerate it for 10 minutes so I can shower before he gets annoyed and throws a fit.
Gives out lots of smiles!
This has changed so much in just the last week... we used to have to work pretty hard for them (unless it was in the morning), but now he is very generous with them all times of day.
Mimi got his first laugh out of him over Thanksgiving!
We haven't been able to replicate it yet.
Is such a wiggle worm.
He loves to just lay on his play mat and kick and wave his arms around.
{hanging out with nana}

Loves to stand up and put weight on his legs.
Has found his hands and sucks on them often.  He is still working on finding his thumb but gets lucky every once in awhile.
I think we will have a thumb sucker and I LOVE it!
(also helps sooth him since he can't hold a pacifier in his mouth)
Has NO patience when he gets hungry.  
We have less than 5 minutes from the first time he fusses until a major meltdown unless you get that bottle in his mouth. 
Has been going to bed around 8:00 at night for over a week.
Sleeps until 3 or 4 am and then again till 7/7:30.

When I start work next week we have to leave the house by 6:15/6:30 am... any suggestions on how to start this routine??  Do I wake him up at 5:45 and try to feed him??  I would hate to just put him in the car and hope he stays asleep until we get there.  I would also hate to deliver a cranky, hungry baby and be like "bye!  Have fun!" when I leave for work :)
Has very big feet.  We've been in 3-6 month socks now for over a month.
He is really filling out his 0-3 month clothes and we can probably bump him up a size in the next few weeks.  I put away a ton of his newborn/0-3 month onsies that he has already outgrown and it made me so sad!!  Especially the ones we hardly got to wear :(
We've had some major problems with tummy aches and trapped gas the last couple of weeks.  Some feedings are so easy and some are pure torture.  He just cries and screams the whole time and its so hard to get burps out and the food down.
(these feedings usually last an hr and are so stressful!)
We thought it could just be trapped gas and we weren't burping him well enough since he takes in more air than normal with the Habberman nipple.  We also thought he might just have trouble digesting formula since he didn't seem to have as much of a problem when he was just on breast milk.  We've tried each kind and are on to soy formula this week.  We're also trying just formula and not giving him breast milk thinking that it might be a milk intolerance (although, I've been drinking milk the whole time and like I said, he didn't seem to have much of a problem in the beginning when it was just breast milk). 
I've considered that it could be reflux or acid reflux but it doesn't seem to hurt him when it comes up very often.  And again- its very sporadic.  Some feedings are so easy and great (even with spit-up) and some are just hard.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Little Sleeper

Guess who has slept for 7 hours straight the past 4 nights?!!
We thought it might be a fluke since the first night we both fell asleep before putting him in his crib and he slept in our bed with us...
(and he always sleeps better on someone or in our bed)
But nope- he did the same thing the next 3 nights in his own crib.  We are pumped!  We are still working on pushing bedtime back to 7:30/8 from 9:30/10... but we'll get there.  I'm also hoping I didn't just jinx our good luck by bragging.
He is smiling a lot, making his sweet baby noises (his 'sighs' are my favorite) and wiggling like crazy.  He loves to stand up and look out and sometimes he is only happy when doing so.  He still loves bath time, and still sleeps with his hands up by his face.
We are also working on getting him to 'put himself to sleep'... this one is a work in progress.  Usually we rock him awhile and get him nice and calm and sleepy and then put him in his crib.  He'll just hang out awake in there for 5-10 minutes, fuss and whine off and on for another 5-10 minutes and then calm back down and go to sleep.  If he starts crying, we'll go in and sooth him or rock him some more, but I'm hoping he gets the hang of our bedtime routine.

I sure love this little nugget of ours!
{sorry all the photos are crappy iphone pics...hoping to get more on my nice camera soon!}