Wednesday, February 12, 2020

September Updates

A rainy fall carnival!
Everett got to dunk his teacher in the dunk tank.

Cute brothers reading and an ice cream date

A few neighbors and friends started a little weekly tennis date.
Its my first time playing and I loved it!

Everett's 1st fun run at school!
They hyped it up a ton all week long and he was so nervous in the morning before school.
This was actually the first time that we picked up on some of his negative behavior being due to anxiety and nerves.  (poor bud!)
But he was brave and he did it and I was so proud of him!

Braxton's 2nd fun run so he knew what to expect.
Love this sweet smile!

Blue day in Braxton's class
That is his good friend, Danny, in the bright yellow, ha!
His mom and I were cracking up at this pic!

Our last day with Ms Briana!
Briana was our OT that came over the summer to work with Grayson on some fine motor and sensory things. 
She was such a blessing and was amazing!
Grayson absolutely loved her and we were so sad when it was her last day.

On the way to family pics

...Ice cream after pics!

cuties just playing

Running errands with my little boyfriend


Grayson loves playing with Baby

We took all the boys to OK for a Sooner game.
Loved getting to meet with with some good friends from college and their 3 kids!

We left Grayson with Nana and took the big boys to the game- their 2nd OU game

It was officially the HOTTEST day of the freaking year and of course we had an 11am game.
Everett couldn't hang for the whole thing

Grayson's 1st haircut where he didn't cry and scream

Braxton's school work... love how he remembers the details of Papa's boat

Sonoma 2019

{September 19th - 22nd}

We had a great long weekend in Sonoma with 4 of our close friends and had an amazing time!
We rented a house and bikes in town and never even got in our car the whole time we were there.

Our first stop on Thursday afternoon was lunch at Girl and the Fig followed by BR Cohn.
We had awesome weather the entire weekend.

We explored 3 more wineries the second day by riding bikes everywhere.
The two favorites from this day were Buena Vista and Bartholomew.

A quick lunch at a little market along the road and then Sebastiani

Headed up to Gundlach Bundschu


Dave cooked us an amazing dinner poolside for our last night there!