Sunday, March 23, 2014

1 Month Old

{March 19th}

Time is flying by again and I can't believe this little peanut is already 1 month old!!
He has been the sweetest baby so far and this stage seems much easier the second time around.
(things are not easy with a baby and 2 yr old...  this baby is just easier!)

He has been a good eater and I think we're getting the nursing thing down pretty well,
although I don't have anything to compare it to since I had to pump with Braxton.
He grunts and squeaks the whole time he eats, though and seems to eat pretty fast.
He also burps great and doesn't spit up too much.
(a complete opposite from Braxton who has waterfalls coming out every time he ate)

For the most part he eats every 3 hrs but this last week its more like 2 hrs.
I keep telling myself its just a growth spurt but are growth spurts supposed to last this long?!
We gave him his first bottle last week and he took it like a champ.
I'm trying to pump some so we can give him more but the 2 hr spans are sort of killing that for now.

He always goes 3 hrs at night and I usually get at least 1 four hr stretch too.
He almost always goes right back to sleep when he eats in the middle of the night so hopefully that sticks too and he'll have his days/nights figured out soon.

He is most awake in the mid morning or late at night between 7 and 10 before we go to bed.

He sleeps really well swaddled but also seems to do pretty good when not as well.

We just moved him into his own crib at night.
He seems to sleep good on both his back and his tummy.
We'll always put him on his back at night but I'll occasionally put him on his tummy when he naps during the day.

We get the occasional smile but nothing intentional yet.

His eyes look like they are turning blue but we're still waiting to see.

He has become quite the little chunk
(although he had a head start since he came out at 9 lbs)
He easily fits in 0-3 month clothes and some are even getting too tight or short on him.

When he is mad, he lets us know!  Its usually just 1 loud cry/yell to get our attention so we'll come pick him up.

He seems to prefer the bouncy chair to the swing but obviously loves to be held the best.

Will usually take a pacifier when he's fussy.

Loves bath time! He has since his first one... Just sits there really calm and happy the whole time.

Braxton has been sweeter and sweeter with him and will always let us know when the baby starts crying.
He's also started showing him toys and interacting with him a bit more.
I still can't believe we have two little boys!

(can't leave out crazy big brother)

iphone Updates

Everyone loves the baby seat :: Braxton fit in this outfit when he was 3 months old
(Everett is 3 weeks here)

love a sleeping babe :: building a fort- chaos in 3 seconds

driving :: so cool

haha such a little man already :: talking to Bonnie instead of napping

Our crazy Friday nights :: little love bug

Love these two little brothers

There isn't anything sweeter

Someone took the Sharpie to town... our first bout with coloring on the walls
It was hard to get mad, he was so proud!

baby hands :: my boys

daddy and Everett

mornings around here

More sweet sleeping baby pics

building his bird house

helping dad in the yard

My shopping buddies

taking his first bottle like a champ

hello there, handsome!

sleepy babe

playing Everett music

Loving on Bonnie Girl

Bonnie Girl

Braxton LOVES his kitties!!
Clyde usually avoid the crazy toddler but Bonnie is so tolerant of him and always comes back for more!

Braxton usually loves hard- squeezing, hugging, laying and rolling around on her...
basically squishing and torturing her.

He's also taken up trying to pick her up and carry her around.
She is his little buddy and he loves to chase her around and call for her to come play.

Bird House

{March 15th}

They have a kids activity on Saturday morning at Lowe's...
Brian and Braxton were there a few weeks ago and saw them building bird houses.
Braxton was dying to do it but they were in a hurry so we promised him we could come back the next week.
Turns out, the kids day is only 1 Saturday a month, so Brian took him back the next week to pick out a bird house so they could build one at home.

Braxton was SO excited to go get it and even more excited to use his tools to put it together.
He is such a great helper when putting things together with Brian.

Big Brother

{March 12th}

Braxton is a pretty sweet big brother so far!
I caught this random moment where he was reading to Everett,
then hugged him and blew him a kiss.