Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Rub A Dub Dub...

One cute Nug in the tub!

Hiking Brainard & Long Lake

{June 2nd}

We took Braxton on his first hiking trip and he loved it!
We went with our good friends and their twin boys and had a great time!
We're still figuring out the backpack fitting but it seemed to work great.
He loved just sitting back there and bouncing... no fussing all day.
I think he'll be a true child of the Rockies :)

iPhone Videos

These are from the last month or so...
 Belly laughs


First taste of ice cream

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Splash Pad

{May 26th}
We put Braxton on his splash pad for the first time and he loved it!
I didn't test the hose water until after we had pulled him out and it was sooo freezing!  Poor guy... but he he didn't seem to mind at all.

Every single weekend this summer already has something planned and we are trying not to go crazy from being so busy.

Plans include:
Shooting 2 weddings
Second shooting 10 more weddings
A cousins wedding in Montana
4th of July trip to Oklahoma
A week up at the lake in Montana
Visits from family
Trips to the zoo
Braxton's cleft palate surgery
Braxton's first birthday
Swimming at our neighborhood pool
(and we realllly want to take Nug camping but we'll see if we can squeeze it in!)

Monday, June 4, 2012

9 Months

9 Months have come up way too fast!
A few things about Braxton at 9 months old:

Weight: 16 lb, 15 oz (5%)
Height: 28" (45%)
He has dropped off his previous weight curve a bit but our pediatrician wasn't concerned a bit.  I swear we have the most laid back doctor on the planet.  (probably a good thing!)
I think his weight gain slowed the last 2 months since we had constant ear infections.  Whenever his ears were hurting he would hardly take any formula from his bottle.

He has randomly started sticking out his tongue.

Can wave 'bye bye', although he points his hand towards himself.
Has started eating table food.
Mostly crackers, puffs, yogert melts, cut up fruit, and bites of pasta or pancakes.
We've also started giving him bites of lunch meat and cheese.
We had started giving him some crackers at home, but the daycare asked if we give him puffs at all.  Apparently he would go crazy when the other babies were eating them and wanted some so bad!  We've packed them everyday since then and his teachers said he would eat them non-stop... loves them!

Still not crawling yet but pushes up pretty far on his hands and tries to get his legs going.
He is such a rolly-polly right now!  Constantly twisting and wiggling in our arms to reach out and grab anything close, and can roll around with the best of them.

Can pull himself up if he is already sitting
(can't sit up from laying down yet)
We were playing on his activity mat and he was just bouncing on his knees holding onto the arches.
I turned around for one second to get my phone and he was standing all the way up with the biggest, most proud cheeser smile!
I've also caught him trying to pull himself up (from laying down) in his crib when he wakes up from naps.
Nothing cuter than walking into the room only seeing his little fingers on the crib rail and hearing him wiggle, trying to get up.
Guess its time to lower the crib!

If we are sitting or laying next to him, he just rolls and climbs and bounces everywhere.
Loves to 'wrestle' with his daddy.

Has 2 bottom teeth that just popped through at the same time.
Still such a happy, smiley guy.
We are having the best time with him!

As mentioned last post... has to be on oxygen at night until he has his cleft surgery.
He's gotten pretty tolerant of the cannula in his nose. 
We have to tape it down to his cheeks every night so he doesn't pull it out in his sleep.  Taking the tape off in the morning is not always very fun.  We've found the really thin paper tape is pretty good on his sensitive skin and doesn't leave bad red marks.

Has had 4 ear infections in the last 6 weeks.
Just had tubes put in his ears.

Has started throwing temper tantrums (seriously?!)
He has a major meltdown whenever we:
(1) put him in his car seat (including the instant arched back)
(2) click the car seat in the car
(3) set him in the bouncy chair so we can shower or get ready (also with the instant arched back)
(4) try to set him down to play and walk off (even if we are still in sight).  And you guessed it...
gives us the arched back.
In fact, he hates sitting at all and will instantly arch his back anytime we try to set him somewhere.  Just wants to stand!
The meltdowns usually only last for about 30 seconds and then he'll accept whats going on and be happy and playful again.

Still has the best belly laugh!

Sits calmly and loves when we sing or read to him.

I feel like when he was a newborn, I couldn't wait until he was in the fun, squishy baby stage.
Now that it's here... I hate how fast it's going and how big he's already getting.
I wish I could just freeze him like this forever!