Thursday, June 11, 2015

15 Months

{May 19th}

Time is going so fast and this little peanut is getting so big!
But we sure love this stage he is in!

He has really started trying to talk and repeat a lot of what we say.
He is currently saying mama, dada, papa, mimi, nana, more, night-night, ball (officially his first word after mama/dada), up, book, meow, more, hello, and he'll repeat a few other random ones.

He is in total "monkey see, monkey do" mode...
If he sees Braxton doing it, he's right next to him copying.

For the most part, he's still been the best eater!
Such a difference from how Braxton was.
A few favorites are eggs & toast, cereal, all fruit, cooked carrots, broccoli, and green beans, avocados, most pasta, sausage, and hot dogs.

He loves to be outside and play.
Loves the sand box, playing in the water table, exploring around and LOVES riding on our little tricycle.  

He also loves swinging at the park and going down the slide.

He can climb up and go down our slide all by himself.

He is taking 1 nap a day, for the most part.
I try to run an errand in the morning to give him a 5-10 minute cat nap in the car and then he is good to go until 12:30 or so.
Otherwise, its so hard for him to stay awake until lunchtime.
He usually sleeps 2-3 hrs.

He still goes to bed great around 7/7:30pm.

He has finally started to really love books and sit still for us to read through the whole thing.
His favorites are The Foot Book, Goodnight Moon, Moo, Baa, La La La, and the Big Hungry Bear and the Red Ripe Strawberry.

We were only giving him a bottle of milk when he woke up in the morning and went to bed, but we just weened him to sippy cups.
I just randomly decided to do it one night and he hasn't seem to notice.

He cruises around the house like he owns the place and can kind of run now too.
When he gets walking fast or running, he swings his left arm back and forth.

Has 7 teeth on the top and bottom (in front) and has 4 molars.

He can tell you what a cat, bear, monkey, cow, sheep, lion, dog and a fish say.

He can also point out his belly button, nose, eyes, mouth, feet, hands and ears.

He can go up and down the stairs and we don't even have our baby gate up anymore.
He turns around and slides down on his belly to go down them.
He had figured out how to open the gate so it wasn't doing much good anyways.

He is a really light sleeper.
He sleeps great and all night long... but if I tip toe in his room for any reason he pops right up.
Braxton and him have woken up within 10 minutes of each other EVERY SINGLE DAY since he's been a few months old, and I think he hears Braxton's voice in the morning and pops right up then too.  (even if we're being really quiet)

(I can hardly stand the cuteness that comes out sometimes!)

So happy that we've had 15 amazing months with my silly little boy!

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