Wednesday, July 18, 2018

End of the Year Festivities

Besides Braxton's kindergarten graduation, its been a busy month with lots of end of the year festivities!
The day after graduation, kindergarten had a field trip to the gymnastics gym near our house. 
These boys had a blast!

The next Tuesday was the official last day of school for these boys!
Last day of preschool for Everett and last day of kindergarten for Braxton!

I got a couple with our neighbor, Parker, too!
These boys have been best buddies all year long!
They spend every day at school together and most days playing after school and on weekends too.
I love the one where they are laughing at each other.

Everett with his teachers Ms. Kelly and Ms. Patti

We are summer people, through and through, but man our last day was so dang sad!
These two amazing teachers made the year so special for Braxton and we will never take for granted the incredible experience he had for kindergarten.

Tuesday night was Everett's end of the performance.
He barely sang the words to his song but came up with his own choreography, haha!
We die laughing every time we watch the full video.

Mimi and Papa got to come watch!

Wednesday morning was the annual end of year picnic for all the EHCC kinder and preschool families.
These boys ran around with all their friends and had the best time!

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