Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Braxton's Kindergarten Graduation

{May 17th}

It was such an emotional week the last week of school for the boys- especially graduation!
Braxton had the most incredible year for kindergarten this year!
I really cannot say enough things about how amazing his teachers were and we will never take for granted the experiences he had.

Not only did they teach him to excel and love reading, math and writing, I loved that they taught the importance of being kind and serving other people.

This was his teachers last year (we're hoping she wants to come back for Everett's class, ha!) which made the end even more special and bittersweet.  He just had the greatest group of friends in his class and all the mamas were wonderful too.

The last day with everyone there (the day of graduation) they had a sweet send off

The awesome teacher gifts one of the mamas put together.  Behind every face and little message was a gift card from each kid

Graduation night.

The decorated the school so cute with an old hollywood theme!

I wish I could upload all the videos, but it would take forever.
They sang a precious version of "summer love'n" that was titled "Krazy K, Drifting Away", where they sang about all the fun things they did and learned this year.

They also sang "O' Happy Day" and "True Colors" and Braxton had a sweet solo speaking part where he prayed for his class.

His AMAZING teacher, Ms Paige!!!!
We are soo sad Everett won't get to have her too

His awesome other teachers too!!!
Ms. Nikki and Ms. Katie

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