{February 16th}
This little buddy is getting so dang cute!
We started weaning off breast milk and made the switch to formula 2 weeks ago and it has helped his tummy issues soo much!!
He hasn't really cried at any feeding or any evening since we've switched to all formula and it has been amazing.
Clearly something in my diet was not settling well with him.... I'm guessing dairy since that seems to be pretty common but we'll never know.
I still had a little bit of guilt and was sad about weaning him, but I just don't have the time or energy to cut big things out or try an elimination diet while we are still in survival mode over here.
Overall, its been a great move for our family so far and we are soo thankful!
Since switching, he seems to be so much more mellow and happy.
He is also a lot easier to read... he really only fusses if he's hungry, tired or has a burp stuck, and I can usually tell which one it is.
He still has some trouble getting burps out but we haven't had hours of crying.
He is still on the Prilosec as well, but I'm not sure he still needs it.
I want to try weaning him off that too and see if he's ok but we'll probably wait a few more weeks.
He still pukes like crazy all day long.... So.Much.Puke.
But, it doesn't seem to hurt or bother him so we'll take it.
His sleeping has been all over the place!
He was going down late, but then only waking to eat once.
Then, he all of a sudden starting going down between 7 and 8 pm, which we were pumped about, but then he was getting up 2-3 times a night.
Then he got a cold and was still up 2-4 times a night.
We've just recently hit a better stride in the last week or so where he'll go down easily between 7 and 8 pm, get up once to eat at night, and then get up between 530 and 630am.
He's rolled over from his tummy to back, but not the other way and doesn't seem to have any interest in trying.
He also hasn't found his feet yet, but is soo close!
He pulls his legs up and grabs his thighs and knees but hasn't found the feet.
He's been doing better with tummy time and will tolerate it for 10-15 minutes now every once in awhile.
It usually just depends on his mood and how full his belly is from eating.
Sometimes he still freaks right away and sometimes he'll just chill.
We've also been working on helping him sit more too. Clearly he isn't sitting on his own yet, but he does pretty well.
We have an occupational therapist come to the house every other week for an hr and she's been helping guide us on things to work on.
He seems to still be hitting milestones within a normal age range, but he seems to just be 2-4 weeks behind where the older boys were on everything.
It's always on my mind and I always feel a little bit worried about his development, but I'm just happy he seems to be tracking along OK.
He coos and babbles soo much and is so vocal!
So much more than I remember the other boys being.
I love it!
He's pretty ticklish and has gotten super social with his smiles.
He seems to like the carrier facing out and he hates to have his nose wiped or picked out.
He loves attention (especially from the boys...which is still pretty rare)
and loves to be sung to.
His favorite songs right now are Patty Cake and Old McDonald.

He loves to chomp on his hands or anything he can pull into his mouth.
He is constantly drooling but no sign of teeth yet.
I'm sort of excited to start solids this next month but know its also a pain in the butt.
We're hoping we can keep this good sleep routine going as well and MAYBE he'll even give us a full nights sleep.
I think we are starting to get into a groove as a family of 5 now and we're getting really excited for the spring and summer with our little buddy!
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