Saturday, March 11, 2017

4 Months

{January 16th}

Our favorite little baby is 4 months old!
We are so glad to hit this mark... it feels like we finally might be on the downslope and this buddy is getting easier.

The worst part of the days are in the evenings between 6-9pm.
He usually has a good feeding around 7 and is really tired, but for some reason won't stay asleep when we try to put him down for the night and then ends up fussy for the next 2 hours.
It almost always seems like he just gets so many burps stuck, and I feel like we get like 10 of them out in those 2 hours of constant bouncing and walking around.
Then he'll eat again around 9/9:30 and go down for the night.
He has been getting up once at night around 2 or 3 am, and then sleeps until 6:30 or 7 in the morning.

His eyes still seem like they are staying blue.
And he has THE BEST long, curled eyelashes!!

He is smiling and cheesing like crazy and has started sticking out his tongue every time he smiles now.
It is so cute!
We can also get some good giggles out of him but have only heard 1 quick belly laugh.

He loves to get his diaper changed and to get dressed and undressed.
He just smiles and giggles.

He doesn't mind the bath, but doesn't seem to just love it anymore.
He kind of has some sensory things going on and does like the water near his face much.

He also HATES wind in his face.
Like, he FREAKS out.  Its almost like it knocks the wind out of him or he holds his breath or something... because he just gasps for air the whole time.
It's actually kind of scary.

He has started noticing Braxton and Everett and loves to watch them.
But they could care less, for the most part, and will never stay in the same room and play when I put him down near him.

Braxton is a pretty good helper for the most part but is only interested in playing with him for a few seconds.
Everett has finally started to warm up to him a little... he's let Grayson lay on him once now and will sing to him if he's fussing.  It is really cute!
Still hoping that they warm up more as he gets more personality and more interactive.

He is super dramatic... if someone bumps him or he gets 'hurt', there is a very dramatic cry.
He is going to need to toughen up as the youngest brother.

He loves mama the best!!
I can almost always get him to calm down the quickest and lately he just cries when I hand him to Brian or anyone else when he's fussy.

He's rolled over from his tummy to his back a few times... sort of on purpose.
He hates tummy time and will only last a few minutes before he loses it.
He's started 'cheating' and instead of pushing up on his arms to roll over, he lays his head down, sticks his bum in the air and kicks/wiggles his feet until he can get over.

We had his early development evaluation right before Christmas and they said he seems to be hitting all his milestones within normal limits.
(Soo thankful!!)
They set us up for Occupational Therapy, twice a month for an hour just to make sure he continues to hit them.
We had his first appointment 2 weeks ago and she wasn't pumped when I say he was only doing 10 minutes of tummy time a day (and clearly we probably weren't even meeting that).
I didn't put much stock into it because my other boys always hated tummy time at this age too and we never really did it much.  And they were fine.
But that's clearly not gonna fly since we have someone watching more closely.
She said he should be doing 20/30 minutes a day now and he should be up to an hour of tummy time a day by the time he's 5-6 months.
Luckily, our pediatrician is great and realistic and just told us to try our best, haha.

He started getting eczema on his back a few weeks ago and now has dry skin everywhere.
We slather on Eucerin creme twice a day, and it seems to keep it from getting worse, but its still pretty dry all the time.
Poor buddy!

He has started drooling a lot.
He is also still spitting up a ton throughout the day, so between the two, he is pretty much always soaked.

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