{March 16th}
We are so happy to reach the 6 month mark!
Grayson has become so mellow and happy and we are really starting to ENJOY him now.
Weight :: 15.5 lbs (15%)
Height :: (65%)
Head Size :: (11%)
He still hates tummy time.
Every once in awhile he'll tolerate it for around 5-10 minutes but he usually is over it after a few minutes.
I don't know if it bothers his tummy or not. Being on his tummy will usually make him puke up but I just don't think he cares for it. None of my boys have.
He does still love laying on his back and playing on his activity mat.
He's pretty happy just hanging out on his back anywhere.
He LOVES the jumperoo and has figured out how to go to town jumping.
He'll also play around with the little gadgets on it.
We can pop him in that and as long as he can see us or the boys, he's happy in there forever.
He can roll from tummy to back but still no sign of rolling from his back to tummy.
He doesn't seem to even have any interest at all in it.
I'm hoping now that he's found his feet, he'll start rocking side and side more and that will help.
We have him his first solids around 5 1/2 months and he loved it!!
The poor kid was starving, ha!
I remember when we gave the other boys their first solids, most of it ended up on the tray or bib as they were figuring it out.
Not this buddy.... he had butternut squash first and not a single drop made it out of his mouth.
He sucked it down!
So far he's tried butternut squash, sweet potatoes, pears, apples, avocado, green beans and we've started just doing those packets with a big mix of things.
He seems to like them all... mostly the fruity ones or orange ones that have pumpkin/cinnamon/sweet potato type things.
The only thing that he's hated so far are green beans. We have the best video of him literally shuttering when we give him a bite.
He is not sleeping through the night yet, but we finally have him on a consistent routine.
We got our first case of RSV (of any of the boys) right after 5 months and it was miserable.
And he was a total mess at night.
But after he recovered from that, we've been on a good kick so far!
He goes down around 7 or 7:30, wakes up once around 12:30 or 1:00am, and then sleeps until 6:30 or so.
When he's up, he'll chug a bottle and go back to sleep pretty easily so its not too bad.
I am soo exhausted but I'm just not sure if I can sleep train this last baby of ours yet.
Every night I say a little prayer that he will just sleep through the night that night, but clearly it hasn't happened yet. We'll see how long I last!
He is pretty close to sitting up.
He can balance there for a few seconds before he topples over and sometimes if we're supporting him some, he can do it on his own for a little while.
He loves to be sung to.
And he loves cheesing at anyone who will look his way!
He is soo happy to just get any attention and is soo cute when he's so smiley.
He also seems pretty ticklish and we can get some good giggles by tickling him.
He also always giggles when we get him dressed or undressed.
He's always been really good at riding in the car, (since the poor buddy spends half of his day in the car most weeks), but he's recently started fussing and crying the second we start the engine.
He seems to enjoy bath time more now that he ever has.
He's never hated it, but this last month he seems to be more relaxed and happy laying there and has figured out how to kick both of his legs at the same time to splash big.
We're pretty sure he's teething because he is drooling like crazy and wants to gnaw on anything he can get in his mouth.
We're pretty sure he's teething because he is drooling like crazy and wants to gnaw on anything he can get in his mouth.