Thursday, June 4, 2020

November Updates & Thanksgiving 2019

Babysitting Zoe :: Grayson has been staying in the big boys room and falling asleep with Braxton

Running errands with #3

Lunch at school with Everett and watching the parade for Veteran's Day/Grandparents Day

Neighbors helping the boys pick up dog poop, ha :: Sweet friends before soccer practice

Everett finished up his first season with the Rapids.  It was a little rocky for most games but he finally came out of his shell and played so awesome the last few games!

Braxton also had a great season with a new team!

Earring photo shoot with the best neighbors ever! :: Getting into Everett's special stuff while he's at school

Everett's re-take for school photos :: being silly

Braxton helping get into the Christmas spirit!

Out to dinner with my 3 little boyfriends

Braxton participated in our school districts "Cardboard Challenge" and we are so proud of him!!
He came up with idea and made it all on his own (a miniature golf hole).
We were super disappointed in the judging and how the competition was run... it was very evident that all the winners had significant help (if not totally done) by a parent.

Thanksgiving with our Fraser cousins!

We picked the coldest day to go sledding but everyone still had a great time

Loving on baby Cohen!  Grayson was obsessed with him and holding him

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