Thursday, June 4, 2020

December Updates

On a secret mission to deliver our annual neighborhood inflatable to someone else's house.
Brian told them to go dress in covert clothes- Braxton came up in head to toe black.  Everett came up like this.  Grayson was just happy to be included.  He was the lookout in the car while the boys snuck up to the porch.

2nd grade did a unit on flight called Top Gun Academy.
Loved all the fun things they learned!

Fun date night for Brian's company Christmas party

Grayson's Christmas program!
He was so brave and loved it! 
He didn't sing a word of his song but loved smiling and waving at me the whole time.

I got to help with Grayson's class holiday party and this cheeser loved having me there. 

Daddy eating lunch at school with the boys :: cute boys

Braxton loved having a ski day with Brian all to himself

Letters to Santa :: the word problems Braxton came up with for his class.  We got a chuckle out of the fact that all of his classmates made it about Christmas and their families and his were about OU football players.

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