Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Grayson is 3!

{September 16th}

It's been a crazy 3 years with this crazy 3 year old of ours!!
We had the best time celebrating him with all of his favorite people this year!
We had a little breakfast party with just some close neighbors and friends and it was perfect.  Everyone spoiled him with perfect gifts and it makes me so happy that we have great friends that know him so well!

The only thing Grayson asked for was his own weed eater and it was fun to make all of his birthday wishes come true!
He was also a big fan of the blower Mimi & Papa got him, the baby doll and stroller and the garbage truck he got.

Our little man does not lack in personality and he still runs the house most days.
He has gotten a strong opinion about what he wears and picking out his own shoes.
He has also become super independent and has to put on his own shoes, buckle his own seatbelt, climb in and out of the car on his own, etc.

We worked with an amazing OT at the end of the summer to catch up on some fine motor/visual perception stuff and also try to help his sensory issues with the wind and things on his neck.
We loved Ms Briana so much (or "Ms Ana", as Grayon called her) and were so sad to see her go when he turned 3.
I don't know if it was her help, or just coincidental timing, but he hasn't cried about riding in the car once since she started coming!  It has been AMAZING and sooooo much less stressful on a daily basis!

We still go up and down with the wind and when he is off, it can totally paralysis him. 
It is so sad!  He just cries and screams and there is really no way to console him or help him cope until we get out of the wind (like, in a car or building).
For awhile this summer, he hated to even go outside for fear that it was going to get windy.
If he is really distracted in something that is fun, he doesn't seem to even notice and he's fine.  
But if we're just hanging around (like at a soccer game), then its miserable for all of us.
Even though Briana gave us a few tools to try, not sure if we are just going to have to see if he outgrows this one or not.

He used to be a great eater but its been very hit and miss lately.
I really cannot tell you what he loves to eat, as it changes on almost a daily basis.
Overall, he really just likes to snack and then eats like a bird at meal time.
His best meal is usually lunch and his worst is definitely breakfast.
He wants a taste of what everyone else has but will not eat it if you give him his own.
I really think he's just not a breakfast person and doesn't get an appetite until around 9.

He loves to watch kids YouTube but will still not watch a single episode of a show or a movie.
We've found him to keep attention to a movie for maybe 10-15 minutes max but that is it.
He can watch those little YouTube videos allll day long though, ha!
His favorite are any that are songs.

He is pretty much where the boys were in height and weight and has continued the big feet tradition!
In fact, he has the biggest feet of all the boys at this age and he is outgrowing shoes faster than I can keep up.
He's still super skinny though and I love his little knock knees!

He loves water... baths, shower, swimming- all of it!
We really need to get him in swimming lessons but I think I'll just wait until spring and then hit it hard.

He is still obsessed with mowing, weed eating, blowing, tools and loves construction trucks and garbage trucks.
He is barely starting to play with toys on his own and it kind of makes me sad he isn't attached to the things the other boys were like all of our Cars cars and planes or Paw Patrol.

He has been a good sleeper now for awhile (THANK THE LORD!), but it takes him awhile to wind down and fall asleep.
He's been pretty good about not crying when we tuck him in, but he'll lay in there awake for a good 30 minutes before crashing.

He's been potty trained since Christmas last year and very rarely has an accident.
He wears a pull-up at bedtime, but he fights it big time for naps.
Most of his accidents are during nap time so we're still working on it there.
But he is so much more independent than Everett at this age... has to go pee by himself, wants us to leave him by himself when he poops and now tries to wipe himself.

He has such an amazing vocabulary!
As part of his evaluation for OT, a speech therapist sits in and evaluates his speech as well.
She kept laughing with me and noted that not only does he not need any speech services, his speech is so advanced that he talks his way out of things he doesn't want to do very easily.
Some favorite things he's said lately are...
"no, I'm good" (when we offer him something he doesn't want)
"no, I'm not a baby" (when I offer him milk at breakfast)
He says "thank you" to almost everything you give him and has great manners.
And my personal favorite... "mama, you're beautiful!" (which he has picked up from Everett)

He is definitely my little side kick all day but daddy is definitely his favorite parent.
And when dad is around, I might as well be invisible.
He also favors Mimi and Braxton, ha!

He has finally chilled out and has gotten so fun lately!
He has always had an intense personality, and still does, but he has become much more easy going in the last month or so and we are loving it!
He is a little clown and loves to cheese.  It cracks us up.
When he isn't crying about riding in the carseat or about a slight breeze outside, he really is so easy to  hang out with.
He has definilty started the 3 year old tantrums though, which I will not be sad to go.
They are pretty manageable so far but I feel like I've had a 3 year old for 10 years and am ready to move on, ha!

He's gotten really good at riding the strider bike and his scooter.

He loves to play soccer and can pass the ball back and forth forever with you!
He's got a really good kick and asks every week if he can play soccer when he gets bigger.

He has picked up on sweet talk from Everett and tells me regularly "mama, you're beautiful!"

The mega 3 year old tantrums have really picked up lately.
Thankfully time out is still effective and we've gotten really good at just ignoring them and letting them ride out.
He's pretty consolable most of the time too.

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