Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Grayson :: 18 Months

{March 16th}

This 3rd child has been bursting with personality and I don't want to forget any of it because I know how fast they change!

He is tall and skinny.
At his 18th month check up, he was 20% for weight and 70% for height.
He has started transitioning into 18-24 mth clothes.
I've been holding onto some things thinking they would be too big and he's almost outgrown them already.  Oops!
He also has huge feet!  All my boys do... since the day they were born.  But his seem to be trending bigger than the other boys at this age.  He is definitely a size 5, and I'm guessing might be a size 6 by summer time.

He's been talking like crazy and repeats most of what we ask him to.
We started keeping track of his words and he's somewhere between 20 and 30.
Some favorites are 'I buckle', bubble, ants, Hoorah!, egg, and daddy.
The one word he refuses to say is Mimi and its killing my mom!
She's going to be watching him for about 9 days in April so he better pick it up quick, ha!
He will literally repeat anything but when we ask if he can say Mimi, he just says No.

He still loves bath time and water.
He has started blowing bubbles in the bath and begs to get in the shower with Brian or I any time he can.
We also took him to the pool for Everett's birthday last month and he loved going down the little slide on their playground.
He also wore a floatie for the first time and didn't seem to mind so we're getting excited for a summer at the pool.
When get gets out of the bath, he says "Yoda" to ask for his bath robe/towel.
The first time we put it on him we kept calling him Yoda cause thats what he looked like so now he calls the robe "Yoda!"

We finally found some TV that he is interested in!
He LOVES watching the YouTube videos for "Ants Go Marching" and "Going on a Bear Hunt".
He marches his feet and sings Hoorah! and Boom Boom....
When he wants to watch it he points to the TV and begs for "Ants" or "hoorah" and we are so obsessed with it.
He asks for "Bear" for bear hunt and also gets super into that one too.
Our favorite part is when he puts up his hands to make his little binoculars.
We keep trying to get him interested in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse but he only likes the beginning song and the Hot Dog song at the end.  He could care less any other part of the episode.

He hates getting into his carseat and overall doesn't care for riding in the car at all.
Which is a total pain as the 3rd child because he has to tag along everywhere.
He arches like crazy and screams and cries and tries to claw his way out of his carseat every single time we have to go somewhere.  I am about to switch him forward just to see if it helps because it is Such.A.Pain.  I would say he also cries and is upset about 50% of the time we are just driving somewhere too.

He also hates the shopping cart and is a total pain to take on any errands.
(also a problem for me).
He will sit with a bribe for about 10-15 minutes at the longest.
I literally try every snack, cookie, treat, toy, etc to keep him entertained and he will still freak and climb out.  When I say freak I mean scream at the top of his long and then hysterically cry until I unbuckle him and carry him around.
He's only happy being carried for about 5 minutes before he wants back in the cart to just monkey and climb around.

He loves to play outside and follow the big boys around.
He can climb up the slide and go down by himself and surprised me when we were out the park last week and he climbed up a little rock wall thing by himself too.
He's dying to ride the scooter too but hasn't quite figured it out yet.

He is still getting into everything and anything.
He tears through our bathroom cabinet, the cabinet with DVD's and a few drawers in my office with camera stuff on a daily basis.

He's barely just started to get into books and let us read to him.
They have to have very few words on each page because we only have a few seconds to turn the pages before he loses interest and just tries to close the whole book.
He likes to play with a few of our puzzles too.
Sometimes he'll recognize colors or animals but it isn't consistent yet.

He's gotten several of his body parts down and has several animal sounds too.
But only when he's in the mood.

He has been pretty needy lately but I just felt around in his mouth and he has all 4 molars coming in right now so that is fun.
We take him for his first dentist appointment later this week!

He's still a great eater and eats almost anything we give him.
Loves all fruits, veggies, most meats, and ALL sweets.
We've retired the high chair and he only wants to sit at the counter near the big boys.
Sometimes he'll only eat what they are having too... specifically for breakfast.

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