Wednesday, September 20, 2017

11 Months

{August 16th}

This last month has been so big!!
Grayson has a ton of new baby tricks to show off and has just developed so much.

He is finally on the move!
He started crawling while we were in Montana around 10 1/2 months.
He also started pulling up on everything around then too.
He switches around from a normal crawl to a bear crawl to a gorilla crawl.
He has been so happy being able to roam around as he pleases and try to follow the big boys around.
We have the baby gate up but luckily he hasn't shown any interest in the stairs yet.

Although "dada" is his word of choice, he is officially saying "mama" now too.
He's also said "baba" and "no-no"

He can shake his head no and its probably my favorite thing he does!
So dang cute!
I dont think he does it with intention but he'll copy us if we ask him too.

His sleeping on vacation was at an all time low so we finally sleep trained when we got back, which was just after 10 1/2 months.
Obviously such a sucky thing to go through but thankfully he is sleeping through the night now.
It took a full week where he was still fussing/crying for 30 min-1 hr but now he'll only fuss for a sec if he wakes up at all.

He is still the best eater of all the boys.
He likes all fruits and veggies, any meat we give him (hamburger, taco meat, chicken, deli meat, pot roast, etc), cheese, yogurt, rice/breads, etc.

He has finally started drinking his bottles better and in longer than 10 second spurts.
I know it seems silly, but after being so distracted for so many months, this is a game changer, ha!
He also started holding his own bottle and usually prefers to do so when he's drinking formula.

We moved him up to a convertible carseat this month and he throws a little fit every single time we buckle him in.
Luckily they only last a few seconds.

He has also started throwing little fits when we walk away from him or put him down for a nap/bed when he's awake.

He still loves the water... bath time, pools, etc.
He loves to splash and will even put his face in and try to drink the water.

He's only happy sitting in a stroller if its moving.
If he gets set in there to contain him for awhile, its not long before he starts whining and fussing.
It's the same way with shopping carts too...he's only content for a short period of time.

He still only has his two bottom teeth.

For the most part, he is such a happy baby and is getting so much personality!
I can't believe its only 1 more month until he turns 1.
We sure love this sweet little boy so much!!

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