Thursday, September 7, 2017

10 Months

{July 16th}

Grayson is 10 months old!
I feel like its been an uneventful past 2 months or so but he is right on the verge of hitting so many big development milestones.

He is sooo close to crawling but not quite there.
He can get onto all 4's and rock and does this little bounce/hop thing too to scoot forward.
He can move his hands back and forth but hasn't figured out how to move his knees yet.
He has also just figured out how to tuck his knees under him while laying on his belly and get back up to sitting.
We can tell that he is getting super motivated to start moving!

He is also just learning to pull himself up too.
He likes to practice in the bath tub (of course...)
and can sometimes do it on his little activity table.
Of course holding onto our hands he can do it no problem.

He is eating like a champ!!
Loves all table food we give him and would probably continue to eat until we stopped giving him food.
He doesn't care for baby food at all but will sometimes eat part of a squeeze pouch now that he has learned to suck out of it.
We basically just give him whatever we are having for meals and he's tried pretty much everything but honey and milk.

He's also boycotted his bottle/formula so that has been fun.
We give him a bottle every 3-4 hrs and we're lucky if he takes 3-4 ounces each time.
The only bottle we can usually get 4-6 ounces is the one at bedtime.
He also still drinks in 10 second intervals before he swats it away.  
So it takes us forever to try and force formula down... ugh.
He has started picking up drinking from a few sippy cups and learned how to drink from a straw too so we may just have to ditch the bottles early.
I'm not super worried because he is eating so well and I feel like he's just started to get a lot of his calories/nutrition there.

He is still a major mama's boy and has gotten stranger danger.
There are very few people that he will go to before he'll start crying and the list is almost no one if I'm in sight.

He is still not sleeping through the night.
We're back to getting up once a night.  He'll fuss and whine for a bit off and on which has led me to think he'll just work it out and put himself back to sleep.
Nope.  That lasts for about an hour before it escalates and he starts full blown crying and screaming.
We've 'attempted' sleep training a few nights but we aren't seeing any progression and we end up awake for an hour or two and then still have to go put him back down.  So I'm back to just getting up with him right away.
I offer a bottle (even though I know he doesn't need it) and he only takes about 2 oz before pushing it away or passing right back out.
Its only about 15-20 min so its not horrible but man, I am tired.
And can't believe we don't even seem close to sleeping through yet.

His official first word is "dada"!
No "mama" in sight but we're working on it!

He still only has 2 teeth on bottom.

We've got a pretty good schedule down but he's not a great napper.
He takes a morning nap around 9:15/9:30 and will sleep 15-45 min.
His afternoon nap is consistent, but not long either.
Sometimes we only get 20 minutes and on a really good day up to an hr and a half.
It's been hard with the big boys this summer because I don't want to necessarily sit home with them every afternoon so he still gets quite a few naps in the stroller at the pool or on the go.

He loves to pull my hair and it drives me crazy.
He's also super grabby with everything else within his reach.

He's been needy lately and hates when I sit him down and leave the room or walk away.
He's pretty good when the big boys are in the room or around but he hates to be left to play by himself.
He'll whine or holler and has just picked up this little whimper too, ha.

Grayson is so happy and smiley for the most part and we are having so much fun with him!
He is my little side kick and loves just sitting on my hip or hanging out with mama!
Can't believe we are getting close to 1 year.

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