{November 16th}
Baby Grayson is 2 months old!!
I wish I could say it has flown by but it hasn't.
It's been a long 2 months...
Around 1 month, Grayson started getting horrible reflux.
I'm talking puking up all day long- after every feeding, during every single diaper change, and every single time we put on/changed his clothes. In his car seat, when he was sitting up or when he was laying down. So.Much.Spit Up.
He also seemed really fussy and was crying if he was awake.
At the same time... Everett seems to have landed smack dab in the middle of his terrible Two's.
And Braxton has had a really hard time adjusting to everything as well.
I think it really threw him off that we were in the hospital so long after Grayson was born and his behavior has been horrible. I feel like we are FINALLY turning the corner a little and getting back the sweet, helpful, fun 5 year old we had before.
Basically, all three boys have been a hot mess, which makes for 1 tired mama!
Grayson is continuing to be the cutest baby ever.
We think he's a good mix of what Braxton and Everett looked like at this age.
His temperament is just like Braxton's was as a newborn...
when he is hungry, you have about 2 minutes before he starts freaking!
He has very little patience when he wants to eat.
He nurses great!
Usually about 10 min on one side only.
He also burps pretty good on his own (initially),
but we usually have to work burps out continuously all day long.
And of course the reflux...
We started him on Zantac at about 5 weeks and it didn't seem to do anything.
Then we called and started him on Prilosec at 7 weeks, and I think that is helping some.
He still spits up a TON, but doesn't seem as fussy.
A good friend thought that his reflux could have been caused from when he was intubated in the NICU, and that she remembers a lot of babies having that issue when her little girl was there.
I'm trying to remember that could be the case and then I feel really bad for getting so frustrated with it.
The poor guy spends about half his day in the carseat on monday-thursday.
Braxton's preschool is a good 20 minutes away and between drop off, pick up and running errands in between, he's in there a lot.
Luckily, he doesn't mind at all and usually just passes right out when we are driving.
He doesn't like to be in the bouncy chair or swing if he is awake.
He tolerates them for a few minutes before crying until you pick him up.
His favorite spot is snuggled up on someone, or just laying down flat on his back kicking around.
He's started making cooing sounds.
He's started making cooing sounds.
At his 2 month check-up he weighed 11 lbs, 11 oz.
He is getting some good little rolls on his thighs and has a little belly.
And his cheeks are soo chubby! I love it!
He is sleeping OK.
Most nights, he'll go 4.5-5.5 hrs between feedings the first stretch when we put him down.
Then he'll go 3-4 hrs after that.
We put him in his crib about a week or two ago and its been fine.
He goes back to sleep really well, but because he spits up so much and can take awhile to burp, I am still up with him at least 30-50 minutes each feeding.
If we can get that down, I don't think I would mind getting up with him as much.
He seems to sleep the best swaddled, but does OK not as well.
He has worked both arms out by the time we get him up to feed each time at night.
Although we obviously put him on his back at night, he seems to like sleeping on his tummy the best.
He loves to sleep snuggled up on our chest and if I lay him down to nap during the day on his tummy at all, he sleeps the soundest.
He takes a paci pretty well but can't hold it in for too long on his own yet.
I'm a little concerned with his development at this age...
He barely started cracking smiles at 8 weeks (both older boys hit this mark right at 6 weeks) and although he can do it, he doesn't seem to be social smiling yet.
(we can't get him to do it in reaction to us)
He will also make eye contact with us, but doesn't seem to hold focus for more then a couple seconds.
I mentioned it to the pediatrician and we are just gonna watch it for now, but I'm having a hard time not reading into it and getting anxious.
We don't have his next neurology appt until 4 months so I guess we'll see where we are then.
We're getting excited for him to start hitting his social cues a little more this next month (hopefully!)
Neither boy really pays him any attention yet, so hopefully that will change as he gets more interactive.
We sure love this little boy though!!!
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