Tuesday, November 22, 2016

One Month Old

{October 16th}

Grayson is 1 month old already and it kind of snuck up on us.
I feel like its taken us a little while longer to get things together since we basically lost a week with him while he was in the hospital/NICU.

He is the cutest little bubba and I'm really trying to soak him in while he's this tiny, but I am not enjoying the newborn stage this time around.  I feel guilty saying that because (a) I know it goes by SO fast and I'll never get this sweet newborn stage back again and (b) things were SO scary when he had his virus and I don't want to take ANY stage for granted with him...  but things are so hard right now.
I am so so so tired.

Grayson has been a pretty easy baby so far.
Obviously he is the cutest little thing and he's still sleeping a lot during the day.
He is awake most in the morning and late at night between 6 and 9 or so.  But otherwise, he pretty much naps most of the day.

He seems to get pretty fussy in the evenings and does not like to be set down.
He'll chomp on the paci but spits or pulls it out every minute or so, so one person is kind of stuck dealing with just the baby for a few hours.  
I can't tell if its just normal evening fussiness or if he has a gas pains in his tummy.

He likes bath time and just sits in there totally chilled out.

He usually goes 3 hours between feedings at night and I've occasionally gotten one 4 hour stretch.  He goes right back to sleep after he eats though.
He seems to sleep well being swaddled, and pretty decent without as well.

He takes a paci when he's fussy (thankfully!)
And he doesn't seem to mind the carseat/car.
He also seems to like the Ergo and Solly wrap.

His favorite place to be is snuggled up sleeping on Brian or I.
He seems to do OK in both the swing and bouncy chair for short periods of time but he really loves to be held and to be cuddled up on his tummy on someone.

He has been nursing great and is becoming a little chunk!
At his 2 week appointment he was already 1/2 a pound over his birth weight, and that is including the 1-2 days he went without eating in the NICU.

He usually only nurses on one side.
He is gassy and burps a lot.  Most of them he gets out really well but a couple of feedings a day we struggle.
He has also starting spitting up a lot in the last week or so. 
If you lay him down before he's gotten all the burps out, it just starts pouring out.

It's hard to tell, but he seems to be acting/developing pretty normal so far.
I feel a little paranoid and a lot of the things he does make me worry a little, but I'm trying to wait and see since they are so jerky/rigid as a newborn anyways.  
We have his first neurology clinic appointment on Friday morning so we'll see what they say.

The boys have pretty much ignored him for the most part this first month but they are both just starting to show more interest in him.  Everett more so than Braxton so I am interested to see how they take to him once he starts becoming more alert and interactive. 

Life with 3 little boys has been a crazy ride so far but we love this little tribe we have!
I can't believe Grayson is already 1 month old!
We love this little buddy so so much!

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