Wednesday, October 12, 2016

2 1/2 Years

{August 19th}

This buddy is such a little firecracker right now!
He is spunky and sweet and ornery and cute and so independent.
If he doesn't want to do it, its not happening, ha!

He communicates so well!
He is great at talking and makes complete sentences.
He can articulate all of his thoughts and even though he gets whiney, he understands us when we tell him to talk like a big boy and use his manners.
And he is great at manners.
He always says Thank You or Your Welcome on his own without prompting.
And most of the time he'll use Please when asking for something too.
He says Excuse Me when he burps or toots and is quick to say Sorry when he hurts his brother.

He still loves Braxton and loves to be included in what Braxton is doing or playing.
A little about Everett at 2 1/2 Years...

He LOVES playing with his brother and Parker when we have him over.
The boys can play so so well together and of course know how to push each others buttons better than anyone else, ha!

He has become a horrible eater.
He went from being such a great eater to soo picky!
I'm not even sure picky is the right word, because one night he will love pasta and the next night he won't touch it.  So we really don't even know what he likes to eat at any given time.  Most of the time he only wants chips or gold fish for dinner and honestly, we usually don't fight it.

He is so ready to be potty trained but he has zero interest.
I tired a few months ago and we didn't really get anywhere.
My mother tried again when she was in town to help with the baby and he again didn't have any interest.  He knows how to go and knows when he needs to go (because he does it when he feels like it), but most of the time he doesn't feel like it.
We've tried every bribe and method... candy, sticker charts, toys, etc.  And when he doesn't want to do it, its not happening.  He could care less about any of that.
He refuses to wear big boy underwear (believe me, we've tried every bribe and incentive here too) so when he does go without a diaper, he just wants to go commando with his shorts, ha.
I'm trying not to stress and I know when he is ready, it will be so easy and fast.
Just hoping that day comes sooner than later!

He still needs one good nap a day but doesn't usually get one since preschool pickup for Braxton is at 1, right in the middle of nap time.  So most days he gets about a 20 min car nap and that is it.  He usually functions ok with that, but it adds up and wears on him by the end of the week.

He loves to color or paint or do crafts and holds his pen/maker/crayon correctly with his pinchers.
He knows all his colors, can count to 10, and sing his ABC's.

His favorite show is still Paw Patrol.

He has started to have an opinion about what he wears or what shoes he wears.
He only wore flip flops for 3 weeks straight this summer.

He is such a little monkey at bedtime and rarely sits still and listens to books when we read.
He likes to pick out a book and 'read it by himself' though... and he's so cute when he lays there and flips through the pages pretending to read.

He can still be super destructive with brothers legos (and will still randomly go up and smash them to be ornery) but he has also started to build things on his own alongside Braxton.

As onery as he is, he is at the cutest age right now!
He is such a cheeser and a ham and he cracks us up so much!
Every single day Brian and I comment about how he is the cutest thing in the world right now.
He is pretty good most of the time but he is a little angel when he's just one on one.
He has become my little sidekick and is so good when we run errands after we drop Braxton off at school.

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