Monday, December 14, 2020

February Updates

Everett lost his first tooth!  It was wiggly for a good 10 days before it finally fell out.

Everett also had his first indoor ski lesson.  This was a big one because he had gotten super overwhelmed the first 2 times we went and shut down and refused to participate.  Somehow, he worked up courage this time and I may have cried happy tears I was so proud of him.

Annual kids free weekend in Steamboat.
We got several feet of snow over the 3 days and a great time with great friends.

Oscars watch party with the greatest neighbors :: brothers being silly

Getting to help with Valentines Parties at the boys school

My 3 funny Valentines

Marvelous Moose Showcase at school

Proofs from Graysons pics at school.... I cannot even handle these!

His first big boy birthday party!
Loved getting to play all over the gymnastics gym

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