Thursday, July 25, 2019

Grayson :: 2.5 years

{March 16th}

It's been awhile since I've done a little update on Grayson and he is in the stage where he continually changes so fast!

He is just so full of life right now and his personality is huge.
He still earns the nickname Boss Baby and usually rules the house, ha.

He still loves to go to school and his teachers say he is finally coming out of his shell there.
He talks NONSTOP at home, but it's taken a few months for him to get noisy at school.
He's always happy when I pick him up, though, and loves to chat about his teachers and friends there.

He still hates his carseat.
Like, Hates it.
Our other boys went through phases where they would scream and fight to get put in it, but it always passed and in general they were fine riding around in the car.  Grayson arches into a stiff board the second you put him in his seat and the kid will not break.  We have to push soo hard to barely get the buckles clicked and then he screams bloody murder and kicks and flails around for at least the first 20 minutes of our ride.  It's horrible.  He has always hated being confined/buckled into something- even as a baby.  But we we just always figured he'd outgrow it.  And its super annoying that he hasn't.

This buddy is full on potty trained!
We potty trained right after Christmas when he was 2 yrs, 3 months, and he has done great!
For all the grief this kid gives us, potty training was a total breeze.
We weren't even ready to do it, and wanted to put it off at least a few more months but he was basically begging to go on the potty and would try and it felt wrong to tell him no.
So, we stayed home for 4 days straight and were good to go! 
He still wears a pull-up at an-time and bedtime but other than that he is in undies full time and very rarely has any accidents, if at all.

We have also just recently ditched his paci.
This was one we were totally dreading, but it was probably our easiest thing to date!
He's really only been using it to sleep but we went cold turkey and one day just told him it went bye-bye when he asked for it.  He just accepted it and went to sleep.
He asked once a few more days but never fussed when we said it was gone.

He still has no interest in watching tv shows or movies.  He will watch for maybe a few minutes, if there is the opening theme song, but that's about it.
He loves watching You Tube kids though and just switches from video to video.
I think he's super interested in the music and little songs.
The only thing other than the songs that holds his attention is mowing videos.

This buddy LOVE mowing like the brothers before him.
It is by far his favorite activity and toy.
That little play mower has to be the loudest toy on the planet so it drives me a little crazy when he pushes it around the house but its his favorite.
He asks daddy almost every day if we can mow and weed eat and use the blower.

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