Monday, October 1, 2018

1st Day of School (Everett & Grayson)

{September 5th and September 17th}

The little boys started school after Labor Day weekend- Everett on the 5th and Grayson a few weeks later.
Grayson couldn't start until he was officially 2 years old so his first day was right after his birthday.

Everett was ready and excited for his first day!
And it was such a different experience from last year- he was so brave and walked right into his class with no tears!
So proud of this boy!!
Can you even handle this cuteness?!

Grayson wanted in on this action

With his teachers, Ms Erin and Ms Nikki.
Braxton had Ms Nikki last year in Kindergarten and we LOVE her!! (plus, her twin girls babysit for us!)  So we requested her class with Ms Erin and were so happy we got them.

Grayson's 1st day of Playschool!
Getting his 1st day of school pics weren't as easy, ha!

2 going on 16!

He was pretty aprehensive when we walked in his room.  He clung to me for a little bit and then wanted to explore the room a little.  He even climbed up to wash his hands on his own (Cute!).
But when he sensed I was leaving, he lost it.  He was so sad.
He's cried at every drop off but its getting a little less each time so we're making progress.
And his teachers say he has a good day each time and he's happy when we pick him up.
This break a couple mornings a week has been so good for both of us!

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