Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Grayson is ONE

{September 16th}

I feel like this was a really long year.... a long and hard year.  But somehow now that Grayson is one, it seems like it flew by.

This little boy is such a little ray of sunshine... so happy and smiley most of the time!
He's been a little more fussy and needy (mostly towards me) lately and I think its just teething.
This kid is the worst teether.... He still only has 2 teeth on the bottom but he has the hard core teething symptoms a good month before they are even close to popping through.

He is exploring all over the place.
He has become a master crawler and cruises around so fast. 
He pulls up on everything and I love when he tries to get something on a short table and he pulls and reaches up on his little tippy toes.
He can open cabinets and loves to pull things out.
He isn't super into cruising along furniture, but he can do it if he wants to.
He can stand on his own and balance for several seconds- even standing up on his own in the middle of the floor. 
He hates to walk while holding onto hands (he constantly tries to let go) but doesn't seem to mind walking if he can push something around.
We've seen him attempt to take a step on his own a couple of random times but its not something he tries often.
He can cruise up stairs no problem and we're working on sliding down on his tummy in PT.
I have a feeling that when he is ready and wants it, he will just take of walking on his own!

He babbles a lot but still mostly says Dada.
He definitely says it with intentions and we die when he wants Brian to come get him or not walk away and he literally starts shouting DADA at him to get his attention.
He can also finally starting saying MAMA more too lately.

He has been sleeping great the last month!
We've had a few nights with lots of fussing off and on but I'm pretty sure its the teething.
If he's been fussing for a few nights, we'll give him tylenol at bedtime and then he'll sleep great all night.
He still goes down around 6:45/7 pm and wakes up between 6 and 6:30 am.

His naps are still pretty terrible.
On a good day, he'll take about an hour nap in the morning between 9 and 10 and then a 2 hr nap in the afternoon between 1 and 3.
We are on the go most mornings so I'm happy with anything from 15 min to an hour.
And then I try to be home and get a regular afternoon nap around 12:30/1.  
But I feel like more times than not he wakes up crying after 30 min to an hour and then we're done.
Sometimes he skips his morning nap and we only get one 2 hr nap in the middle of the day which also throws off our schedule.
So basically naps are still all over the place.

He still loves the bath and its probably his favorite thing.
He loves when you take off his clothes and he'll pull at his diaper for you to take it off too while he's standing at the bath.
He's gotten really brave while bathing with the big boys and if he wants a toy they have, he just dives over them and tries to grab it away.

He still fusses every single time we put him in his carseat, but luckily its only a few seconds.

We've been horrible about reading to him at night so we've started to be better and do it every night before bed now.
He is loving the books but is in that super grabby stage where he just wants to turn/grab the pages instead of sitting still and just listening.
He also loves when we sing songs!
Old McDonald and Wheels on the Bus seem to be favorites lately.

He'll still eat almost anything we give but he's started showing a few preferences.
He's been rejecting bananas lately and doesn't seem to like scrambled eggs at all.
Still loves all fruits and veggies but blueberries are definitely a favorite.
He also got to go to town on his first container of yogurt and clearly loved it.

We have been looking forward to being done with formula and bottles for so long now, but now that we are transitioning him to milk, it seems a little sad.
We've had to mix it super gradual since he just spit out the milk when we tried to give it straight at first.
He also loves water from sippy cups but won't drink milk from them either.

He has started throwing fits.
Like throws him self to the ground, face into the carpet and throws himself a major pity party with crocodile tears.
So funny and so sad at the same time.
Where did he learn this!??

He hasn't shown any interested in waving bye bye or doing any of the signs we've been working on.

He still loves the big boys the best and eats it up if they will play with him or give him attention!
Brian included him in the boy wrestling match one night and he thought it was the greatest thing ever!
So much giggling and squealing.

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