Tuesday, May 28, 2019

February Updates

Puppy Sitting Izzy and Zoe

Girls Night with some fun neighbors

Donut date with my little boyfriends

Sweet brothers

Grayson's class Valentine Party

Everett's class Valentine Party

Braxton's class Valentine Party

Valentines Day 2019
I think I'm past the days of matching shirts but at least they're all wearing red

Pre-tantrum :: Mid-tantrum :: Post tantrum

When Grayson takes off his dirty diaper during nap time :: The aftermath

Registering for kindergarten!
Class of 2032

Ski day with Dad

Annual dinner at Capital Grill for restaurant week

daddy always has helpers when it comes to fixing things

This sums up all 3 of their personalities so well!

Everett is 5!

{February 19th}

Our little peanut is 5 years old!
I still remember everything about the day he was born and somehow time has flown by.
He has come full circle this year and turned back into the sweetest little boy!

We had a blast celebrating our big 5 year old this year.
He had his birthday party at Monkey Bizness (an indoor play area) with our neighbors and some friends from school.
We ate dinner out with Papa on his actual birthday and he got to take donuts to school to celebrate there as well.

This buddy is sweet as pie!
We've had some ups and downs still the last several months but I would say overall he has gotten so much better/easier the last 4-5 months.  It is such a relief.  We honestly had some moments when we weren't sure what we were doing, what we were going to do, or how we were going to last much longer when he got into one of his funks/tantrums.  But he's pulled through and has been so much fun to be around lately!
Even when he does get in a grumpy mood or starts to throw a fit, he is much quicker to calm down and snap out of it.
He has been reminding us a lot of when he was a baby/toddler again.
He has been a good listener, sweet to his brothers, go-with-the-flow, and just a cutie.
His biggest heart melter is when he says "mama, you're beautiful" just about every single day.
He also says it to Mimi and Nana too.

He is loving school and having the best year in Pre-K.
We love his teachers and he's made some sweet little friends.  He is still really shy and we aren't really sure what he knows until he randomly decided to surprise us and showcase it.
He is excited to start kindergarten next year and I think i will have the hardest time sending him.
He's been my little sidekick for so long now and I'm just going to miss him during the day.

He has started getting really bored in the afternoons and asks every single day how many minutes until Braxton gets home.
He's been really good about just playing on his own but really loves when he has a buddy over to play or mama does something with him.

He is super into Transformers, Legos, playing pretend with Braxton, Nintendo, and collecting all the little gadgets he can find and stashing them in his pockets.  He still loves to play outside and ride scooters and he has started getting into playing Minecraft with Braxton.

He is, by far, my most difficult to dress!
Braxton went through a few stages but overall he has let me dress him how I'd like.
I clearly have had to lean heavy on the athletic gear lately, but Everett has a mind of his own with clothes.
He has a very very select set of things he'll wear.
And if you want him to wear anything else, you have to be ready to battle (as in, wrestle the clothes on him in a massive tantrum, and then deal with the aftermath pouting of said tantrum for hours!)
He has about 5 or 6 tshirts that he'll wear.... 3 OU shirts, a Star Wars shirt, his Bronco and Nuggets shirts, and his OU and Broncos jerseys.  Thats it.  He refuses anything with long sleeve- except 1 or 2 hoodies he has.  He also prefers athletic shorts every day of the week, even when its freezing cold in the dead of winter.  I did find 2 pairs of Umbro pants from Target (same pants, different colors) that he'll wear and that is it.
He wears 1 pair of tennis shoes and flip flops.  I DID finally find a pair of snow boots that he'll wear this winter after months of refusing.
It honestly makes me so sad that he has a closet full of the cutest clothes that will seriously never be touched until Grayson fits into them.

We put him in ski lessons this winter and were so happy that he loves it!
We were honestly thinking it was 50/50 that he'd like it or that he'd have some random hang up and refuse to go.  But he was so brave and did it and it has been awesome watching him!
He is also back in swim lessons (and doing great!) and we signed him up for baseball/t-ball this spring.
We decided to skip soccer for a season and try something new.

He still thinks Braxton hung the moon and they have been playing sooo great together the last several months.  Sure, after several days together nonstop, they start to get on each others nerves a little, but overall they are the best little buddies.
Grayson is just on the verge of playing vs. being destructive so we're trying to encourage them to include Grayson in the boy pack lately.
Everett has been an awesome big brother and has been so sweet and helpful lately, which is another answered prayer.

I might dare to say that 5 is one of my favorite ages!
They are fun and smart and somewhat self-sufficient but still little boys.
We are so excited for this year with our sweet 5 year old!