Saturday, June 30, 2018

April Updates

Our last baby in the last day with our baby bouncer

daddy's helper

FINALLY this boy likes to sit and read!!

Wiped after skiing with daddy :: More books

Grumpy!! :: iPad time

this buddy loves mamas coffee

Sweet day with my sweet boy

100 days of Kindergarten project at school

Someone discovered goggles

Teaching em' young

Little driver 

The newest member to our little scooter gang


Muffins with Mom at school

hanging at Mimi's

The morning after 1 boy woke up crying 4 times and 1  boy woke up puking everywhere.
These cute faces make it a little better!


Sometimes you just lay down and pass out :: Busted again

He requested a real live sea turtle as his souvenir from our trip to Hawaii... but he did love these stuffed ones as well.  Telling us about his turtle family

Celebrating Colton's birthday

Preschool class pics, haha!

Easter 2018

{April 1st}

We went to Easter service on Saturday night this year.
It felt a little weird but was also kind of nice to get out out of the way and not rush in the morning.  

Sunday morning we found our Easter  baskets and then had our egg hunt and Easter dinner at Mimi and Papas.

A few pics from our neighborhood egg hunt the weekend before...

Easter Service on Saturday night

Checking out Easter basket goodies

It took Grayson a little while to pick up on the fact there was candy in each egg, but by the end he was all about it.  Braxton is getting too fast so we'll have to figure out a way to challenge him more next year.