Monday, January 18, 2016

Christmas 2015

{December 25th}

We had a great Christmas this year with the boys.
Something about the holidays with little kids is so much fun!
They ate up every bit of the holiday magic!

Our sweet friends, the Rabazzis, invited us over for dinner on Christmas Eve
 and we were home for Christmas morning for the first time since we've been married.
It was so fun to see all that Santa brought and open presents with just our little family. 
We only have blurry phone photos from that morning since we were trying to just enjoy it with the boys, but everyone was very happy with everything that Santa brought!

 Everett might have been most excited when Brian opened his new router. 
He is so obsessed with tools lately, just like Braxton was at this age.

We headed to Oklahoma Christmas night to spend several days with Brian's family.
The boys were so cute at the airport, even after our flight was delayed an hour and a half (when it was already scheduled to leave an hour past bedtime)

We don't have very many pics from our days in Oklahoma.
We had fun opening more presents but due to really crappy weather, we had to cancel a few other fun plans we had.
Either way, we had a great time hanging out with everyone!

December Updates

Picking out and setting up our Christmas tree

Little man :: Cute boys at school


Braxton crashed while watching daddy play games

SNC Christmas party

My shopping buddy :: someone just made themselves comfortable at Pottery Barn while mama shopped around

2 buddies trying to help daddy :: snuggling boys

Braxton getting ready for his first ski lesson

Everett is obsessed with any/all of daddy's tools!  He carried this drill around for a week straight... including napping and sleeping with it

Silly faces

2 napping boys ::  little gamer

So tired, he even snoozed through a Target run ::  cheering on the Sooners!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Braxton's 1st Ski Lesson

{December 22nd}

We put Braxton in his first ski lesson just before Christmas.
We got a few lessons up at a small ski hill called Echo Mountain just to try it out.
I had to work that day so Brian and Braxton had a fun day together, and Braxton ate up every minute of it.
Brian said he was by far the smallest (and probably youngest) one is his class.
They spent the whole time on a little bunny hill, practicing their pizza on the way down and then hiking back up on the mat.  
He did pretty good but I think walking up the mat over and over just wore him out.
Brian ended up pulling him out 30 minutes early after he Braxton seemed to go lethargic, ha.
I think his little body just got so tired.
He still said he had fun and he can't wait to go again.

22 Months

{December 19th}

I cannot believe this little buddy will be TWO in just 2 short months!
In some ways he still seems like our baby but he is definitely turning into a big boy the last few months.

His talking and vocabulary have exploded the last few months!!
He pretty much repeats every single thing we say or ask him to say and its usually really clear.
Some favorites lately include "keen" (for Lightning McQueen), "Santa", "ho ho ho", "baca" (for Chewbaca), "D2" (for R2D2), "ruff ruff" (puppy), and "milk"... with an emphasis on the "K"

He has picked up Braxton's Star Wars obsession and can point out all the characters if you show him a picture and ask.  His favorites are Chewy and R2D2... he always giggles when he hears their sounds.
He can also hum/sing the dark side theme song and will bust it out ANYTIME Star Wars is mentioned or he sees it on TV (or in the store, etc...)

He is also picking up words to songs and sings little pieces on his own.
He recognizes and sings along to parts of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Row Row Row Your Boat, You Are My Sunshine, Jesus Loves Me, Old McDonald, and Jingle Bells.

He has started becoming a more picky eater.
Sometimes he still eats great, and sometimes he only eats 1 thing or just a few bites before he says "all done".
The good news is that he always goes for and eats his veggies and fruit first.
Still loves them all.

He is so hard headed and is getting quite the little attitude.
He knows exactly what he wants and there is no changing his mind.
When he says All Done at meals- there is no taking more bites.

He's learned how to pinch, bite and hit.
And we've started Time Out.
Clearly its all normal developmentally, but I feel like he's hitting his "terrible twos" a little early
(where Braxton was still mellow at this age and had terrible threes).

He loves bath time and all things water.
He loves tools and helping Brian with everything little thing.
He loves coloring and writing on paper.
He loves any toy that Braxton has and is playing with.