Monday, March 9, 2015


{February 19th}

Although we are loving the stage that Everett is in right now, it honestly makes me so sad my baby is growing up so fast!

Weight: 21 lbs, 8 oz (53%)
Height: (54%)
Head Size: (89%)

We had a little birthday breakfast for him with all of our best friends and it was perfect.
Well, until it was time to eat cake.
He loved when everyone was singing to him but he wasn't into his cupcake at all.
It kind of surprised me since he had had part of a cupcake a few weeks earlier and went crazy for it but he had just got some nasty head cold going around and I just don't think he felt very well.
He kind of played with the cupcake a bit and tried some frosting.
I think the sticky frosting got stuck in the back of his throat and due to his crazy sensitive gage relfux, he just puked.
Poor little buddy!
It wasn't exactly how we pictured it going down but I guess that is alright.
Here is the video if you want to see it all go down.

A few other things about Everett at One Year:

We've discovered that Everett loves to color.
I guess it surprises us (especially this early) since Braxton has shown very little interest in coloring, even now.
But Everett seems to love it!
They do coloring or art every day at school but it kind of shocks us that he can hold a marker so well and purposefully color on a piece of paper.
He gets so focused and his little chubby cheeks are the cutest.

He is officially a walker!
He's been taking several steps for the last two months but he started walking all the time
around 11 1/2 months.

He is a little beggar.
Loves to be held a lot and has mastered the sweet look/whine while he stands at your feet hugging your legs... begging to be picked up.

He really hasn't shown to be a picky eater yet.
We usually just feed him whatever we're having for dinner and he eats it right up!
Some favorite foods right now are macaroni, avocado, pickles, and most fruits.

He is still the best little snuggler and loves to give hugs and cuddle up.

He's cutting his 5th tooth and it popped through right around his birthday.

He loves sink baths.
He still loves regular baths too and gets so excited when we start running the water.

He is such a little monkey!
He can climb up on the ottoman (from his chair), climbs out of his high chair and on to the counter, can get his leg over and climbs on the wiggle car and tries to climb in the bathtub when we we get him undressed.
It's clearly just a matter of time before he attempts to get out of his crib too, so we've lowered it to the bottom setting.
He also loves to climb up the stairs and can go up the whole set.
When he wants to go down, he knows to turn around and go feet first too.

He also has figured out how to open the baby gate so we have to watch him closely.
(we just have it wrapped around the stairs and tucked in the railings to keep it closed)

He still almost never ever cries when he wakes up.
He just sits or stands up and sometimes just whimpers for a sec.

We've had really nice weather off and on lately so we've been playing outside some.
He got to play in the sandbox for the first time and loved it!
Climbed right in and sat next to Braxton playing.

He loves to brush his teeth.
He's picked it up from watching us and will move the toothbrush back and forth in his mouth.
(still just 4 teeth)

He's also started biting...
I think he has more teeth coming in lately and he does it just as relief but it hurts so bad!
Those little baby teeth are like razors.

He almost always cries or whines when we put him in his carseat.
It's usually just for a second but he's never happy about it.

(and one with big brother just for kicks)

Brian and I text or say to each other probably 10 times a day... "he is the cutest baby ever!"
And we couldn't imagine a more perfect addition to our family!
We have had the BEST year with this little peanut!!

Steamboat Ski Weekend

{February 12th - 16th}

Some family friends let us use their condo in Steamboat every winter and we had the best Valentine's weekend away with our good friends!

We ate good food (including the best pizza!), drank lots of wine, skied, played games, hot tubbed, and they guys even surprised us with massages and mani/pedis.  

I missed my littlest Valentine's but had an awesome time with this guy!

February Updates

We made a quick weekend trip back to Norman to see some old college friends.
These two little buddies hit it right off!

Cleary things have changed in 10 years

1 cent at the grocery store... worth it.

First time to play in the sandbox

sink baths

Loves coloring!

The boys had a fun weekend with Nana while we were up skiing

Helping at the grocery store :: nap time

Being cute on the way to and at school

Everett's first birthday!!!
I love this little boy so so much and we celebrated with mac and cheese for dinner.

Everett- give your brother snuggles

Playing with his birthday balloons

Sick baby

Braxton's first swimming lesson!
He was so excited and nervous but did great and loves it now

My little peanut

Spent 3 days home one week with this little sick buddy.
He was diagnosed with bronchiolitis and an ear infection (after a trip to the ER)
and then a week later broke out in a rash that led the Dr to believe he had Corona Virus as well.

Braxton's visit to the dentist and his first X-rays

The end of a very long sick week

Unloading the dishwasher is his favorite chore...  I just love that little chubby body

helping put groceries away