Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Nug Bug

11 Months

{January 19th}

These last 11 months have seriously flown by... can't believe our little peanut will be 1 in just one more month!

This little monkey is officially a walker!  
He had been taking a few steps around Christmas but just last week he intentionally walked to Braxton taking 6+ steps.
He is still favoring crawling to walking most of the time, but we now know he can do it.

He is almost entirely over baby food and we usually just feed him whatever we are having.
He loves any kind of fruit, almost all veggies we've given him, loves macaroni and spaghetti and loves cheese!
Sometimes he eats great and sometimes he just chews his bite for a sec and then spits it out... leaving more on the floor then in his tummy but oh well.
He's also gotten really good at drinking from sippy cups, straws, and loves the camelbak water bottles too.
I'm tempted to skip the sippy cups and go straight to the water bottles.

He still loves to play with Braxton and is usually fine playing in the playroom on his own if Braxton is there with him.
He loves to drive around cars, knows how to fly a plane if you make zoom sounds, and goes straight for whatever lego creation Braxton just made no matter what else you try to get him to play with.

He loves to try and stick his finger up our nose or in our mouths... thinks its so funny.
He also cracks up anytime we make animal sounds.

Still loves bath time and gets aggressive if he wants a toy or Braxton tries to take something from him.
It also doesn't bother him one bit to have water poured on his head.
He was sick a lot over Christmas so I put him in the shower with me one day.
He loved just sitting on the floor under the water coming down.


He hates getting his diaper changed and will scream or cry and kick to get his legs free.
It has become the ultimate battle to change him or get him dressed.

He is transitioning to the bigger room at daycare and they only do 1 nap there
(the only thing I hate about moving up at 1 yr).
He definitely needs 2 good naps a day still so his schedule is a little funky lately since I still nap him at home and they are trying to wean him at school.
I try to do the same but the poor buddy really struggles to stay up until lunchtime.

He has 4 teeth- two on top and two on bottom.
Teething never bothered Braxton one bit and he would usually get like 4 in at a time very quickly.
Everett's seem to be coming in pairs and they come in VERY slowly and painfully... 
He'll usually 'teeth' for at least 2 weeks at a time where he's super needy and whiney.

He loves to clap, sign "all done", click his tongue, give kisses, and says "mama" and "dada" very intentionally now.

Besides the 2 weeks over Christmas he was sick and teething, he sleeps through the night.

He has become such a little monkey!
He knows how to climb up stairs and we've recently caught up climbing up on a big lego
container in the play room.  He loves to just sit and play there or he'll stand up to reach up higher on the bookcase.
He's not entirely sure how to get down on his own so we really have to start watching him now...
he is becoming a little daredevil!

We love you so much little peanut!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Little Skier

{December 23rd}

We really wanted to take Braxton up sking last year but it never worked out with me being super pregnant. 
So this year we were determined to make it happen.
It probably worked out for the best because he was so ready and did awesome!

We took him and my niece up to the bunny hill at Copper one day over Christmas break and decided to just play around with them instead of paying a ton for a lesson.
He was really into it and picked it up much quicker then I would have guessed.
We basically just taught him how to fall over and how to do 'french fries' and a 'pizza' wedge.
It didn't all really stick but he got the gist and just went down the hill!

He hasn't totally mastered the pizza wedge so Brian ended up having to just push him over a couple times before he hit a tree and a lift pole.
But by the end of our hour, he starting falling over if Brian hollered at him.

I just love this happy little tongue sticking out!

So proud of this little skier!
My mama hear about burst when I saw how cute he was and how great he did!
Can't wait to go up a few more times this year!