Thursday, July 17, 2014


A few more random photos from our phone...

Still can't get over how cute these brothers are in matching jammies

 Chub for days

 My happy Peanut :: passed out during dinner

Figuring out how to jump

Big boys with new haircuts

Snuggling kitty

Cute photos his daycare sent us

More daycare cuteness...
Reading with Ms Andrea :: happy boy at the end of the day

Loving his feet!

I love how he sleeps :: he sat down and entertained himself with these stickers for a good 30 minutes

My Target date :: Alyssa the baby whisperer

 I'll eat you up, I love you so!!!

Photo Booth fun

5 Years

{July 10th}

We spent our 5th anniversary on a 11.5 hr road trip with these little rascals.
Crazy to think of all that has changed in 5 years.
So grateful for this little family of mine.
Thank you baby, for continuing to make my dreams come true!


Road Trip

Braxton and Everett's first road trip

Besides the fact that the 7.5 hr trip took us 11.5 hrs each way... both boys did pretty well!
Braxton was so awesome each way and just watched movies the whole time.
He was such a champ in the car!
Everett holds on to burps for awhile after eating so we had to stop A LOT to feed/burp him,
but overall he did pretty well for being in the car so long.

 Started off so well with both boys napping


Crashed in the hotel on our way there

sweet sleeping cousins!

 winning mom of the year in Walmart and our little road trip buddy

4th of July

We usually go to Broken Arrow for 4th of July weekend but stayed home this year.
We didn't have a lot of plans for the long weekend and it was awesome to just hang out with our little family.

We spent the morning at the pool with some friends and then met up 
with more friends later at night to grill out and do fireworks.

We picked up some small ones and sparklers for the boys
and they loved it!!

Braxton was super excited and into all of it, 
but I think he was more pumped to just spend the night running around outside with the big boys.


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Matching Jammies

Is there anything cuter then brothers in matching jammies!?

iPhone Update

Everett's first time swimming (4 months)
He was pretty unsure and even fussed a bit the first time we put him in.
He kept pulling up his feet and legs like the water was too cold.
We've been a couple times since and he tolerates it a lot better.
Not necessarily loving it, but he just kind of sits there.

happy baby

he fell asleep like this... all snuggled up

quiet time

Everett's first day of daycare :: being sweet to baby brother

love this little peanut

more daycare pics :: painting his father's day gift like a big boy

Got a new Buzz Lightyear for going poop on the potty all week

morning cheesers

baby selfie

afternoon activities for a boy mom

just chill'n

bedtime shows with dad

Everett James

poor buddy got the stomach bug. 
3 out of the 4 of us were puking the same night.
Officially 3 weeks after Everett started daycare.

keeping himself busy while mom and dad recover :: playing doctor to brother

Cutest baby ever

Love my almost 3 year old :: "take a picture of my cars, mom"