Thursday, January 30, 2014

Almost There

{January 20th}

35 weeks

This little peanut is growing!

Frosty the Snowman

{January 5th}

We got a pretty decent snow and had bribed Braxton all day with getting to go out and play in it.
He's been dying to build a snowman but we just haven't had enough/good snow to do it until now.
We finished dinner and I sent Brian out to shovel so of course we had to let Braxton go help (and build his snowman)
It was so cold but he was so proud!
Not the greatest pics since it was dark out but better late then never, right?

33 Weeks

{January 4th}

I had my last ultrasound last week at 32 weeks.
Baby is head down and in a great position.
It is also measuring 1-2 weeks ahead in growth and at 4 lbs 10 oz.
Heart rate was 167 (baby was moving around a bit)

I'm still guessing this baby is a boy but most of my friends are guessing girl.
I am very ready for this baby to be here!
Definitely feeling uncomfortable all the time...
It's such a chore to get up and down off the floor with Braxton all the time
(getting him dressed, playing, shoes on, etc)
and if i bend over while standing up and get a major headache/dizzy.

The heartburn has kicked in and m feet and hands have also started to swell
(although not as bad as last pregnancy)
I still crave sweets like crazy and now have added popcorn to the list.
I know Braxton was big but this baby seems to push and stretch a lot more than I remember last time.
It seems like I am always having to stop a sec because I feel a huge stretch and push in one area of my stomach... ugh- so uncomfortable!

We are in full on nesting mode around here and hoping to get several things checked off our my TO DO list in the next couple of weeks.
And then... we just wait!

1 Little Monkey Jumping on the Bed

{January 4th}

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


{January 4th}

It was really quiet in the other room and then all of a sudden I heard lots of wrappers.
I knew Braxton was trying to get in this random gift basket of food we got from Brians work
but I about died when I walked in and he had unwrapped every single piece of chocolate and taken bites from each one… at least 8 or 10 pieces.
Love this little guilty face!

Christmas 2013

We spent Christmas in Tulsa with Brian's family this year.
It was pretty uneventful except for the 3 'Christmases' Braxton got…
This kid got so spoiled by both sides of our family!
We did Santa and Aunt CaCa's house one night, Santa at Nana and Oppy's house one night, and Santa again on Christmas morning.

on our way!

The first night at Aunt CaCa and Uncle Brent's:

Reading new books with daddy

At Papa's house for Christmas Eve lunch:

Brians aunt, uncle and cousins on his mom side were also in town so we made sure to get a family picture with everyone.

Christmas Eve Santa visited Nana and Oppys house
(don't have many pics of this night...)

We stayed with Brian's sister, Jackie, on Christmas Eve so Ethan and Braxton could wake up and do Santa together.
We also thought it would be fun to let them sleep over together… ha!
They LOVED it of course and laid/sat in the bed talking and playing for over an hr before Jackie had to go tell them to go to bed. 
We ended up having to move Braxton to the floor but these two cousins loved it!

Christmas morning…

The work bench and train track were a hit
(Thanks Aunt CaCa and Uncle Brent!)
(the potty pics just never get old)

A few random pics:

Our last day there, just hanging out:

These two boys also LOVE their Oppy!!
I'm pretty sure he got quite the work out chasing and wrestling both boys.

Saying goodbyes!