Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Back to Tulsa

{June 14th - 16th}
Sadly, Brian's grandma passed away a few weeks ago and we made the last minute trip to Tulsa for her funeral.
Although it was a sad occasion, it was still fun to spend more time with family.
Braxton took more advantage of swimming at Nana's, the 4-wheeler, and even tried out naked trike riding.

Dave & Rachel's Wedding

{June 7th}

Our good friends have been engaged for several years and were finally able to tie the knot this summer!
We had the best time celebrating with them!
Congratulations Dave and Rachel!

Bolder Boulder 2013

{May 27th}
My 2nd 10K
(better then last yr)
Love these running buddies of mine!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Phone Update

Here are a few updates from our summer...
Hanging out with dad
in LOVE with tools!
Begs to get in the side garage to get to the mower and Brian's tools every day.

Being cool
Time-out at Home Depot

Pre-bedtime Mickey
My shopping buddy 

We got Braxton a potty and he's been pretty into it!
Loves to sit on it so far 

First trip to the pool this summer!
Loved it and wasn't scared at all.
Walked right into the baby pool... would sit down and kick, lay on his stomach and crawl around and walked all over.
Braxton caught a random stomach bug and was so sick!
saddest sight ever!

I love our backyard in the evening!
Making a mess and hanging with Aunt CaCa
Family camping

Fixing mom's car

Sweet snuggles

Splash pad with Mimi

Hanging out with mom on her day off
boots, chesser smiles, and salsa

Braxton's first dentist appointment!
He loved the little vaccum straw and when they would squirt water in his mouth.
So proud to walk out with his goodies

Reward for being good at the dentist

In heaven at the Disney store!
He wanted to take home each one and would bring them to sit in his stroller
Mom is a sucker so we came home with Minnie and Goofy

Braxton's been obsessed with Brians drill/tools for awhile and loves to carry it around.
Well, now he can push the button and drill on his own!

Love my boys!

Headed home from school

Saturday, July 13, 2013

A Week at Nana's

{May 17th - 25th}

We dropped Braxton off at Brian's parents house to stay while we were on vacation.
He adapted really well for not spending too much time there before!
Helping me pack... what a little cheeser!

We had the worst week leading up to our trip...
crazy work schedules for both Brian and I and Braxton ended up with a nasty ear infection
that left him with a high fever for 2 straight days.
Needless to say- we were ready for vacation!

Braxton and cousin Ethan were best buds the first night we got there!
Braxton was in heaven following him around all night!!
They were even matching (unplanned).
Cute buddies in the car

Nana got Braxton a little tool set with this drill that really spins.
To say he loved it was an unerstatement.
Slept with it at nap time.

Initiation into the white trash baby club...
naked swimming in the dog bowl/pool!

Someone LOVED riding on the 4-wheeler!
Would beg for "more" the second you stopped or tried to take him off.
The day we flew home he got one last ride...
he was so relaxed and happy it lulled him to sleep.

We had a great time but missed this little Nug SO MUCH!
Did not miss reintroducing discipline to a toddler after a week spoiled at Nana's ;)