Thursday, March 29, 2012

7 Months

{March 28th}

Is a seasoned roller now.
(both back to tummy and vice versa)

Has started to throw fits... especially when we put him in his car seat.  He instantly arches his back, screams, and breaks out the pathetic face/crying.  It usually only lasts for a few seconds until we can distract him.

Still sleeping great through the night. 
Goes down around 7/7:30 at night, wakes up around 6/6:30 in the morning.
He used to go down really easy but has also started throwing a fit at bedtime too.  We take a bath, read a book and then he used to lay down and let me rock him right to sleep.  Now, as soon as I turn him around to lay down on my shoulder, he acrches his back and starts crying.  It usually only lasts a few seconds but still becoming a pain.

Usually only takes 2 decent naps.
If we're lucky, we'll get a quick 3rd one in in the afternoon.

Starts daycare next week! 
We have loved having Ellie watch him and I know he'll miss hanging out with his buddy, Lexi.  Hopefully he'll love all the new friends at daycare. 

Has started to sit up on his own.

If you hold him standing on your lap, will try to jump over and long as you'll let him.
Or  he'll just sit down and start playing with/pulling at your necklace/buttons/etc.

Loves mirrors.

Loves books.
He immediately calms down and sits there calmly, touching the pages, as long as you're reading to him.

Still drooling and chewing like crazy, but no sign of teeth yet.

Loves solid foods!  Has liked everything we've given him... except plain rice cereal.

Has started to show an opinion.  He'll push you back or swat at your hand if he doesn't want you in his face, pushes his bottle away when he's done or doesn't want more, etc.

{These pictures were all taken within about 1 minute}

And now... my favorite!

Monday, March 26, 2012


The first time Ethan met Braxton, he totally flipped when Nana held him.  The last couple of times we've seen them, he has been totally OK with it, but is still not really interested in Braxton at all.  
We attempted to get a good cousins pic of the boys when we were in Tulsa a few weekends ago.
I crack up every time I go through these...
(similar to THIS series)
"Hey buddy!"
"No touching...."
{bribing Ethan with suckers}
"Hey, where'd you get that?!"
{7 people behind me cheering and clapping and making faces}
{I love Braxton's hand just resting on Ethan's leg}
{I also love how they totally switched faces.  Of course not one where they are both smiling}

{And.... we're done}


We met some friends at the zoo a few weekends ago. We had great weather and great company! Braxton isn't too aware of all the animals but I think he enjoyed just being outside and walking around. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Date Nights

Brian and I got two date nights a couple weekends ago when my parents were in town.
Love time away with my man.
{our good friends, Dave & Cortney}


While waiting for the doctor at his 6 month check-up...
I cannot get enough of his expressions!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

6 Months

{February 28th}

Another month has flown by and our little man is 6 months!!!

Weight: 15 lb 4 oz (10%)
Height: 26 inches (25%)
Head Circumference: 44.5 cm (75%)

In the last month we've been practicing our back bends...
He loves to arch his back and look behind him.  It's also a sign that he is so close to rolling over from his back to his tummy but we still haven't seen it. 
He did it ONCE at the babysitters a month ago but that's been it.
He also won't roll over from his tummy to back anymore, either.  When he is over tummy time he just lays his head down and whines.

He still goes crazy in the jumperoo.

He is doing great eating solids.  Well, except for the thumb sucking thing.

He is SO happy when we get him up in the morning.  He'll still just lay in there and make little coos and play with his feet until you come and get him.  When he first sees us we get the biggest cheeser smiles and a few double leg kicks.

He actually gives us the cheeser smiles quite often.  Its like he gets so excited he can't stand it.

He curls his toes when he is sitting in the Bumbo seat.  He's usually in there to eat, but they stay curled the whole time.

He has started to show interest in the kitty cats and will reach for them whenever they get close.  They tolerate it until the first fistfull of fur comes out in his little fingers.

I can't believe a whole half year has gone by.
This first 6 months with our baby boy has been the most challenging and the most rewarding of our lives thus far.
It's hard to imagine our life without our little nug.
Happy half birthday, buddy!
Love you so much!