Thursday, December 13, 2012

Ugly Sweater 5K

{December 8th}

This was the most disorganized race I've ever run but it was a good time.  
Next year we will be more prepared with better ugly sweaters... not something we threw together the night before.

Love these girls!

Christmas Party

{December 7th}

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

iPhone Update

Home sick with a tummy ache... the first of all three of us to get the stomach bug... again... ugh.

Loves playing games with daddy

Eating cereal with mama.
Picking out our Christmas tree.

Big helper with the lights.
Learned how to move his chair to get what he wants from the counter.

Pucker up, ladies!!

My cool dude.

Naked reading before bed.

Christmas is so much more fun with this munchkin.

Waiting at our 15 month check-up

Ikea run.
He recognized toys for the first time and kept saying 'please mama!', while pointing.
We're in big trouble...

Bedtime stories with Jeff while mama and daddy get a night out.

A perfect Saturday night at home with my boys!

Monday, December 10, 2012

15 Months

{November 28th}

Braxton is at such a fun stage right now!!
We are loving it!

He is walking/running all over the place and gets in to everything.
He can tear apart a cabinet faster than you can count to 5.
The other day I walked out of the bathroom just for a second and came back
to find he had dumped all the cotton balls out of the bag.
He had a big handful of them and was rubbing them all over his face, haha!

He keeps us cracking up all the time.
Even when we should be mad.
He is testing his boundaries and when we look at him and tell him 'NO',
He looks straight at us, gets a really cheesy grin and starts cracking up so hard!
It is hard to stay mad at a laughing Nug Bug.

He has also picked up hitting and biting.
Ugh... we're working on those.

He loves to be outside.
He loves to dance.  And keeps coming up with new moves.
He loves to sit on our lap and eat cereal with us.
(EAT meaning stick his little pinchers in our cereal bowl and pick out bites for himself)

He knows several of his body parts and points to them when you ask.
(hands, feet, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, head, hair, tummy)
We are also working on animal sounds....
Right now he can do fish, cat, cow and lion well.
The rest are hit and miss.

We took him to an indoor pool for a friends birthday a few weeks ago and he had a blast!!
We definitely need to  make swimming more of a regular activity this winter.
(And I cannot get enough of that little tummy!)

He recognizes directions and is following them pretty well.
Loves to throw away his own trash.
Heads straight for the door when we say 'Bye Bye' and holds your hand walking down the stairs.
Stops at the street when walking around outside.
Will take a bite when you tell him "one more bite".
Can kick his legs in the bath tub and puts his face in the water.
(we need to probably look at swimming lessons this winter or next spring)
Loves to move things from one place to another
(Ex: moving rocks from one bucket to the other)

Has gotten really good at signing: More, Eat, Milk, All Done, Please
Says: Mama, Dada, Nana, Bye Bye, Nigh Nigh, More, Baby
He has 2 new teeth since his first  birthday and one more about to pop through,
including a random molar that came in.

LOVES to read books!
Sometimes when its quiet we find him back in his room just sitting on the floor 'reading'.
He will bring you a book, climb up on your lap and sit while you read.
He's been bringing us books over and over and its so hard to say later
when he signs and says 'More' with his big eyes.

At school they say he is really good at recognizing things and pointing them out on the wall.
He can regognize shapes and match them or point them out.
He loves babies and will seek it out in the room if you ask him where it is.
Then he'll hug and sway with it.

He loves giving hugs and is so affectionate!!
Anytime we ask him to hug his friends he goes straight to them and give them a hug.
It melts my heart!!

Visiting Santa...

{November 25th}

... went just as you expected.