Monday, July 19, 2010

First Fourteener

Last weekend Brian and I camped out and hiked Mt Bierstadt- one of Colorado's fourteeners.  It was my first fourteener... Brian's twelfth or thirteenth.  We found a cool little campsite along Guanella Pass on Friday night and then hiked all day Saturday.  Round trip it was 7 miles with 2850 ft of elevation gain, and it took us about 4.5 hrs total.  Not gonna lie- I thought it was pretty hard (even though it's considered one of the "easiest" fourteeners to climb).  There was one point about 3/4 of the way up where I was pretty done with it- and could have cared less about summiting... but we finished and it was pretty cool! 
{Don't be jealous of our cool head lamps!}

At the car before we started... we hiked the tallest peak you see here.

our view from the trail
halfway up....
At the summit!
I look like a total retard but hey, it's my first one!

Ever heard of the sandwhich place "Which Wich?"?  Well, if you take a picture at the summit of a fourteener with their sandwhich bag you get a free sandwhich!  Brian just happened to "summit" 3 mountains that day.
  {Hey, who are we to turn down free food?!}

Saturday, July 10, 2010

One Year

It's been one year that we've been married.  Our wedding was so perfect and better than I could have ever imagined.  So far- our marriage has been the same (*maybe not perfect, but better than I could have imagined).  Time sure flies when you're having fun! 

Happy Anniversary, baby!  One down.... many many many more to go!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Beam Family Visit

All of Brian's family came to visit over 4th of July weekend.... yup, all 7 of them! (and we were even missing his Brother, Matt)  The agenda was jam packed with stuff.  It was fun to show his family cool parts of Colorado but I wish we would have had more time to just hang out. 
(Warning:  Long post... Lots of pictures)

Day 1: Drove up to the peak of Mt. Evans
Saw 2 sheep (or goats?) get in a fight

Day 2: Went swimming, grilled out at home
Cathey and I have amazing shape-making abilities
I am in LOVE with these cheeks!!

Day 3: Rode Brian's dirt bike, Garden of the Gods (in CO Springs), Played at the park, Bath time
The Shawnee Family
(Brian's sister Jackie, husband Mark, and baby Ethan)
My favorite!

Day 4: Rocky Mountain National Park

We had such a great time with everyone visiting but we are exhausted!!  Thanks for coming out to see  us!