I turned the big 27 today. I get to celebrate little by little throughout the week but today was a really great day!!
We met some sweet friends last night for sushi...
(*still playing with the camera settings)
My sweet husband got up early to make me breakfast (and did the dishes!)...
I had Starbucks twice today... the obligatory cup as I walked into my office, and again after work for a much needed catch up session with a good friend. (it's OK to spend extra money on overpriced calories on your birthday, right??)
Came home to these sweet flowers (again from the hubby)
AND, got to hang out and make homemade pizza for dinner (bbq chicken, avacado...delicious!) We had plans to light the chiminea and hang out on the deck since we are having great weather this week but it got a little too cold. (hopefully tomorrow night!)
Next up.... more best friend time on Wednesday and heading to Austin for the weekend to meet up with my parents, brother & sister-in-law and my favorite niece Lo
(SO Excited to kiss on this face...snotty nose and all!)